
Samu Announces He Has Liver Cancer, Addresses Criticism Over “Anoa’i Strong” Shirts

Unfortunate news continues for the Anoa’i family, as Samu announced on Facebook Wednesday that he is in a battle with stage four liver cancer, and is waiting for a liver transplant.

Samu’s “Anoa’i Strong” shirts had gained some criticism, as some said he was exploiting the fact that his God-son Roman Reigns was fighting leukemia.

You can see Samu’s full post below:

I want to take a minute to address the situation with myself and that of my family.

I recently have posted I am selling shirts “Anoa’i Strong”

These shirts have been for sale for many years and in light of the current situation that has struck myself and my family, I have decided to change the shirts to various colors for cancer.

My cousins news has struck the world and we are all devastated at this time. What many of you may or may not know is I am also dealing with stage 4 liver cancer and am currently waiting for God’s grace to help me get a transplant.

I am an elder member of my family and in no way am I or my family attempting to profit from any serious sickness. Instead, I want to use our name in order to help doctors and researchers find ways to cure this evil sickness.

I do not endorse or will I ever endorse profit on the misfortune of others or myself or that of my family.

I want all of my friends, family and fans to know we will always remain “Anoa’i Strong.” and these shirts will remain for sale and we will be speaking with various cancer organizations on how we can help.

Until you can stand in the shoes we stand in you will never know the pain and the struggle we endure daily.
Samu Anoa’i

The 55 year-old Samu is a former WWF Tag Team Champion along with Fatu as a member of the Headshrinkers, with whom he also won a Slammy award with. He’s also made several appearances for MLW this year, including earlier this month.

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