
Samoa Joe Speaks On His Relationship With Vince McMahon, Having His Eyes Locked On The Universal Title, And More

Joe is ready to continue his path of destruction once he is 100% healthy.

Back in early January, Samoa Joe unfortunately had to step to the sidelines as he suffered a right foot injury derailing the momentum he had coming into WrestleMania season. The former two-time NXT Champion has been recouping and provided a bit of an update on how his recovery process is coming along while speaking with Al Arabiya English.

"It’s been good to be honest." Joe stated. "I think this was more of a culmination of old nagging things that I never really took care of before. I just didn’t have time. Injuries occur, it’s an unfortunate side effect of the business. It’s not my first one and sure won’t be my last, but back up and running, feeling pretty good, and we’ll see what the future holds here."

During the summer of 2017, Samoa Joe took the current WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar to his limit on numerous occasions. Although Joe was not able to capitalize on the opportunity he will have his eyes locked in on whoever walks out of New Orleans with that championship.

"Obviously I’ll always have my eyes on the Universal Championship. It’s something that’s eluded me just barely, and I’ll be the first to tell you that I should be in there beating up Brock Lesnar, not Roman. Obviously Roman has been through his trials and tribulations and he’s made a case for being in there, but it’s always hard sitting on the sidelines when you should be in there hitting home runs. We’ll see what transpires." Joe expressed.

A competitor who Joe has crossed paths with in Ring Of Honor is the current SmackDown Live GM Daniel Bryan. Joe speaking from a personal friend standpoint knows the hard work that Bryan has put in to be cleared by WWE and Joe is excited to see him get back in the ring but with caution.

"Obviously whenever you speak of people that you consider friends throughout your career, you always look upon that news with a little bit of trepidation. Only because I care about Daniel Bryan’s well-being as a person. I would hate to see anything permanently bad happen to him. At the same time, I know he’s been fighting the fight really hard the past few years and do everything within his power to medically prove that he’s capable and fit to compete in the ring. Knowing Bryan as long as I’ve known him, if he’s attacked that with the same ferocity that he’s attacked his abilities as a professional wrestler, I have no doubt that he’s ready to get back in that ring and I’m looking forward to seeing what he’s able to do."

"The Destroyer" would then be asked about his relationship with the Chairman of the WWE, Vince McMahon. Joe did not necessarily describe a relationship but more of a brief talk vibe that he and Vince has which is to the point; short and sweet.

"I’m terrible at small talk, so me and Vince’s relationship is… I don’t want to say dispassionate, but when we have talks, they’re very brief, short, we lay out a few things and I go from there." Joe explained. "It’s not a lot of, ‘hey how are you doin’, how’s this, how’s that’. It’s calling the play, what do we need to get done, and I go out and get it done."


Samoa Joe would also weigh in on the 'Greatest Royal Rumble' event which takes place on April 27th, shared some of his goals that he wants to accomplish in WWE, along with more. To check out the rest of Joe's comments, click here.


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