
Ryback Talks About Which Companies Have Contacted Him, Which Promotion Made Him ‘A Great Offer’

Former WWE superstar, Ryback was a recent guest on The Ross Report podcast with Jim Ross, and he spoke about a lot of things, like his introduction to steroids and why he quit, and his favorite workers on the independent scene.

But "The Big Guy" also divulged which wrestling companies have come calling since he left WWE last year.

“Obviously with TNA, or Impact Wrestling, and they made a great offer a while back, and it’s just that I have no interest in going anywhere right now with everything that I’ve got going on."

Impact Wrestling, formerly known as TNA, has been in the news lately, with talents leaving the company–like the Hardy brothers and Drew Galloway–and talents entering the company, like Alberto Del Rio. But Ryback says he doesn't want to go anywhere. Impact Wrestling is based in Orlando. That's a lot closer to wherever Ryback hangs his hat than the next option he says has been presented to him: New Japan Pro Wrestling.

"I know a few guys over there. They expressed that there was a lot of interest, but I don’t know who is in charge of making decisions. There has been zero contact in terms of a phone call, or an email, or anything of that nature outside of just me hearing, ‘They’d like to work with you.’ I would love to go over there and work Kenny Omega, go over there for two or three days at a time, here and there. I would be totally for that.”

There's also been talk about Ryback maybe trying his hand at MMA and getting into the cage with Bellator. Ryback says he doesn't have interest in that kind of fighting, but for the right price, he could change his whole outlook.

“That one company approached me and I told them what happened and I have no interest in doing that, but I’m sure I’m going to hear them out. I want to hear what kind of money they’re going to offer me. That doesn’t mean I’m going to do it. Any good businessman is going to hear the offer out, but that’s as far as that went right there.”

With his line of Feed Me More nutritional products and his "Wake Up! It's Feeding Time" self help book, both named after his familiar WWE catchphrases, it's clear that Ryback definitely believes himself to be a good businessman.

You can download the podcast at this link.

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