
Ruby Soho And Sarah Rowe Have Discussed A Hypothetical Reunion, Want Whatever’s Best For Each Other

Ruby Soho is currently living her best life as a member of the AEW women’s roster but her time in WWE as the leader of the Riott Squad and being able to have matches against names like Ronda Rousey will always hold a special place in her heart.

Women’s Wrestling Talk recently spoke with AEW’s Ruby Soho to talk about farm life, and a partial Riott Squad reunion via a tag team with Sarah Rowe.

“I mean, we’ve always talked about hypotheticals, you know. Sarah and I have shared every major moment in our careers together. I’ve known her for over 10 years now. I am the best job I could possibly ask for his godmother to her son. She is my best friend, and she has been there for me through everything she came to All Out to surprise me. I was already an emotional mess that day as it was. But when I saw her and Cash there, I just bawled like a baby. So, she is one of those people that I think is incredibly talented and the most driven woman I have ever met. When she gets something in her head, she’s going to do it. So I think whenever you know, the time is right for her to reemerge back into the wrestling industry, and wherever she decides to go, I will 100% have her back. Obviously, we’ve talked about the hypotheticals but you know as much as selfishly I would always love for her to be my tag partner forever. Wherever is honestly best for her and for her family is the place that I want her to go. So, I think that kind of just leaves it up to how everything fits with her family, which is her number one priority for sure.”

Regarding her relationship with Ronda Rousey, Ruby would say that they remain close and that Ronda has even shared pictures of her new baby with her. During their time in WWE, Ruby worked with Ronda Rousey including a match that would see Ruby headline Monday Night Raw for the first and only time.

“She sent me pictures of the baby the other day and she’s absolutely beautiful. Already tougher than me. A child is already tougher than me. Just based off who her parents are. Yeah, Ronda, and I keep in contact every once in a while, we just check in with each other. She’s an amazing person. And she was so much fun to work with. Just her excitement, her passion was super infectious. And, she brought me to a new level of thinking about wrestling, especially against somebody of her stature. She had me thinking about it in a different way, which I always love to be able to be challenged like that, especially when you’ve been doing it for a while, sometimes you kind of get into the same mindset. But it was very cool to be challenged against somebody you know, of her talent and her stature and her reputation. So it was great to be able to work with her but it’s so great to see her and the role I know she was meant for, which is motherhood. She is guaranteed to be the coolest mom.”

Ruby is currently involved in the tournament to crown the inaugural TBS Champion. She is due to face Kris Statlander in quarterfinal competition soon.

If you would like to hear more from Ruby Soho, you can check out the full interview at this link.

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