
Ross and Marshall Von Erich Set For MLW Never Say Never

Major League Wrestling issued the following press release:

See Ross and Marshall Von Erich live at an MLW Fusion TV taping

66 years after Fritz Von Erich made his New York debut, his grandsons will grapple in the Big Apple for the first-time ever as the Von Erich boys usher in a new era July 25.

MLW today announced Ross and Marshall Von Erich will compete at MLW: Never Say Never ’19 at the Melrose Ballroom in New York City on July 25. The event will be a MLW FUSION TV taping for beIN SPORTS.

Tickets start at $20 at http://www.MLWTickets.com. 

Representing a new hope for a new chapter in the family’s fabled story in the sport, Ross and Marshall recently answered the call from Tom Lawlor to help him in his war against the international cabal known as CONTRA Unit.

Grappling and learning new techniques on the beaches of Kauai from their father, Kevin Von Erich, the Texas born brothers are a force to reckon with. 
Top-level wrestlers in both singles and tag team competition, Ross and Marshall fight for their family’s name and their future.
Growing up in Denton County (just outside Dallas), the Von Erich boys wrestled on the family’s Texas ranch with hopes of one day wrestling in front of large crowds around the world. 
Training under their father’s watchful eye on his Hawaiian farm, the brothers quickly took to professional wrestling.  Soon, the 3rd generation brothers would journey to Missouri to train under Harley Race and learn key fundamentals and world class technical and brawling skills from the hall of famer.  
From Missouri, Ross and Marshall would trek to Japan where they lived in the Pro Wrestling NOAH dojo, training under Naomichi Marufuji.
Competing around the world, including Israel, England, Australia as well as stateside in their home state of Texas, the rise of the 3rd generation of Von Erichs heralded a new era for the family.  
When not wrestling, Marshall and Ross can be found working on the family ranch in Hawaii, enjoying surfing, spear fishing and innovating new high flying moves off of waterfalls.
Believing in the mantra to always look forward, never backward, Ross and Marshall have embraced their destiny: the fight for their family’s name and their future. 
Preferring to fight barefoot, like his father, Marshall is a 3rd generation grappler.  Similar to his father, Marshall also possesses one of the best dropkicks in the sport, attaining a vertical leap that would put most athletes to shame.

Very few if any can match the charismatic grappler’s fusion of styles, especially at his size. Marshall, the younger and physically bigger brother, is a certified Hawaiian hoss.
Ross, the older of the two brothers, is a strategist inside the ring. Ross wastes no movement, systematically focusing on his opponents’ weaknesses until they are too tired to endure his blitzing offense.  

Featuring fast and furious brawling, cutting-edge grappling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu mat work, Ross’ arsenal also includes aerial attacks.Proud and serious, Ross mixes technical wrestling, brawling, MMA and aerial attacks to make for a customized hybrid wrestling style. Ross will be in the upcoming Hobbs and movie.

Who will the Von Erichs face in their New York City debut? League officials are in deep talks on their July 25th bout. More details on this match are expected soon.

See the Von Erichs make their New York City debut LIVE July 25 at the Melrose Ballroom as MLW presents an international TV taping for beIN SPORTS (buy tickets).

Some of the athletes and talent signed to compete and appear include: World Heavyweight Champion “Filthy” Tom Lawlor • World Tag Team Champions the Hart Foundation • Salina de la Renta • Ross & Marshall Von Erich • The Dynasty • Austin Aries • Mance Warner • Low Ki • LA Park • Hijo de LA Park • Ricky “El Sicario” Martinez • Air Wolf • Ace Austin • Myron Reed • Jordan Oliver and more! 

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