
Roman Reigns Responds To Stone Cold Steve Austin Saying He Needs A Heel Turn

Roman Reigns thinks he's beyond heel or baby face. 

Last week, Steve Austin spoke about Roman Reigns on his podcast. He said Reigns probably needs to turn heel in the wake of him getting consistently unwanted responses in order to maximize his potential. In an interview with Express, Reigns was asked about what Austin said. 

"It's Stone Cold Steve Austin. He definitely knows the area and the territory that I'm in. He knows what it's like to pull the trigger and be a workhorse. So I think there's definitely a lot of truth in what he has to say and I value his opinion," said Reigns. "I definitely think there is a lot of great truth to what he's thinking and his knowledge in the game. But Stone Cold is not my boss," he later added. 

Reigns said he did not know if or when he would turn heel and he and WWE will be taking his character development one week at a time. He also said he is satisfied with the reactions he has been getting. 

"It's a weird question cause, aren't I already a heel? If I garnered that reaction, what's the point? If it's already happening, if I'm already being booed, why try and get booed?," said Reigns. "I think right now I'm in a cool situation and kind of a little bit different than anybody because the only person that's really been in my shoes before is Cena. But Cena is Cena, you know. I'm nothing like him, I've never been like him," he continued. 

Reigns went on to say he believes his character is different and he doesn't need to "just be a heel or be a baby face." 

The full interview with Reigns is available at Express.Co.Uk

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