
ROH Wrestling Television Results for 9/25/20 Episode #471 Josh Woods vs Kenny King, Young vs Yehi

The PURE Title Tournament continues with two B Block first round matches!

– We open this week’s show with a recap of David Finlay defeating Rocky Romero and Matt Sydal defeating Delirious on last week’s show.

– We get video packages for Fred Yehi and Silas Young ahead of their tournament match up next.

ROH PURE Title Tournament B Block First Round Match

Fred Yehi vs Silas Young

They lock up and Silas backs Fred into the corner before chopping him and Fred kicks and chops Silas. Fred drops Silas with a back elbow and follows up with a German suplex before hitting a cannonball in the corner. Silas counters a suplex into one of his own before setting Fred on the top turnbuckle and superplexing him. Silas knees Fred in the face and hits a neck breaker before Fred rolls him up for two and rocks Silas with a stiff forearm. Fred hits a shining wizard before Silas misses a moonsault, but lands on his feet and Fred stomps his foot before sweeping his legs out.

Fred then hits an elbow drop before Silas rolls him up out of nowhere for the pin and the win.

Winner: Silas Young defeats Fred Yehi to advance to the next round of the tournament.

– We get a video package for Josh Woods and Kenny King ahead of their tournament match up next.

ROH PURE Title Tournament B Block First Round Match

Kenny King vs Josh Woods

Josh exchange head locks and hammer locks before Kenny takes Josh down with a deep arm drag. Kenny locks in a straight arm bar before Josh makes his way up to his feet and drags Kenny down to the mat with a front headlock. They get to their feet before Kenny lies on the mat and welcomes Josh into his guard before Kenny locks in a guillotine. Josh gets free and locks in a guillotine in full mount before rolling over and applying it in full guard. Kenny then scrambles in the guard of Josh before Josh goes for a double wrist lock and Kenny counters a triangle choke with a pin attempt for two as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Josh in control, picking the ankle of Kenny and locking in an ankle lock before transitioning into a double ankle lock. Kenny crawls out of the ring to get free before Josh chases him around ringside and Kenny kicks him in the midsection. Kenny boots Josh in the head and tosses him back into the ring before Josh lays into Kenny with knees. Kenny drops Josh with a closed fist for a warning by the referee for two before hitting a scoop slam into a springboard leg drop for two. Josh comes back with an overhead belly to belly into a running splash in the corner for two before Josh hits a variation of a GTS that sends Kenny out of the ring.

Josh brings Kenny back into the ring before Kenny hits  the Royal Flush for a near fall before as Josh uses his first of three rope breaks. Kenny sets Josh on the top rope in the corner before Josh counters a superplex and hits a twisting neck breaker. They exchange forearms on their way up to their feet Kenny counters the Seismic Toss and Josh rolls him up for a near fall. Kenny tries his shoulder into the midsection of Josh as we come down to one minute left in the fifteen minute time limit match. Kenny then locks in a single leg Boston crab before time expires and we go to a Judge’s Decision in which Josh wins via split decision.

Winner: Josh Woods defeats Kenny King via Judge’s Decision.

– We end the show with graphics for next week’s first round matches between Tracy Williams and Rust Taylor and Tony Deppen versus PJ Black as we go off the air.

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