
ROH Wrestling Television Results for 1/3/20 Episode #433 Villain Enterprises vs Cobb & Maff

The Villain and the undead ROH World champion take on a pair of monsters on this week’s episode!

-We open the show with Villain Enterprises coming out to the ring at Final Battle Fallout where Marty congratulates PCO for winning the ROH World Championship from RUSH before PCO thanks the fans and says that he couldn’t have done it without them. RUSH appears on the big screen and says that PCO can’t get away with the way he won before introducing Kenny King as the first member of his new faction, a ROH version of Los Ingobernables before Dragon Lee walks up and they all put their fists together. PCO then says that he’s not going to give RUSH the belt back and that they are Villain Enterprises as we go to commercial.

-We return to PJ Black talking to Josh Woods before Silas shows up and questions PJ’s mentorship abilities before Silas challenges PJ to go mentor Brian Johnson and that after several months they’ll pit their students against each other.

-We get a video recapping the ROH World Television Championship match between Shane Taylor and Dragon Lee.

Dak Draper vs Shaheem Ali

They exchange strikes to kick things off before Ali hits an overhead belly to back suplex and a running back elbow in the corner into a running shotgun dropkick in the corner. Ali then hits a gut wrench sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Dak comes back with a springboard back elbow into a front slam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dak Draper defeats Shaheem Ali via pinfall.

-We get a video package for the match between Matt Taven and Vincent at Final Battle as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a video recapping a tag match from ROH Unauthorized in which senior referee Todd Sinclair wrestled his first match as well as the in-ring debut of Ian Riccaboni himself.

-PJ Black meets with Brian Johnson and tries to take him under his wing before we get a recap of the ROH World Tag Team Championship Match between The Briscoes and Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham in which Lethal and Gresham became the new champions before we get a statement by the new champions after winning the belts backstage.

-We then get the top five moments of Final Battle 2019 as we go to commercial.

Jeff Cobb & Dan Maff vs Villain Enterprises (Marty Scurll & PCO)

Marty and Jeff start the match off by exchanging holds before Marty runs into Jeff, but he won’t budge before Jeff dropkicks him. Dan comes in and misses an elbow drop before Marty teases a superkick and Dan covers his face before Marty smacks him on the top of the head. Marty rolls out of the ring and plays to the crowd before tagging in PCO and cheering him on at ringside. Dan and PCO run at each other before PCO drops Dan with a shoulder tackle and Dan and Jeff hit a double suplex. Marty hits a superkick from the apron to Dan before PCO hits a dropkick to the back of the neck of Dan before Dan tosses Marty across the ring.

Marty catches Jeff coming in, but Jeff catches him coming off of the top rope and hits an overhead belly to back suplex for two as we go to commercial.

We return to Dan getting the hot tag and suplexing Marty before hitting a running shoulder tackle in the corner into a cannonball in the corner to PCO. Jeff hits a Tour of the Islands and Dan an assisted running senton for a near fall before Jeff headbutts and chops PCO. Dan comes back in and chops PCO in the corner before PCO comes back Jeff mocks Marty before slamming PCO. PCO comes back with a double clothesline and Marty comes in and hits both Jeff and Dan with strikes before Jeff accidentally hits a running splash in the corner to Dan. Marty hits a DDT to Jeff before hitting a satellite DDT to Dan and PCO hits a tope to the outside onto Dan.

Marty applies a Boston crab before PCO hits a diving leg drop and Marty gets a near fall off of a roll up before countering a suplex and suplexing Jeff for a near fall. Marty stomps Jeff’s hand and goes to snap his fingers before Jeff headbutts him and Dan hits Marty with a cutter in midair when he’s coming off of the top for a near fall. Dan mocks Marty and hits another cutter for a near fall that PCO breaks up before PCO hits a Canadian destroyer and an assisted swanton bomb for a near fall that Jeff breaks up. Marty sends Jeff out of the ring and PCO hits a suicide dive before Dan spears Marty in the ring and PCO misses a moonsault onto the apron. Marty then teases the Cross Face Chicken Wing before countering a burning hammer into an inside cradle for the pin and the win.

Winner: Villain Enterprises defeat Dan Maff and Jeff Cobb via pinfall.

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