
ROH Wrestling Television Results for 12/13/19 Episode #430 RUSH & Dragon Lee vs Lifeblood

Los hermanos de Lucha take on Lifeblood in the main event of this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

-We open the show with highlights of a Loser Loses Mask match between Delirious and Mini Delirious versus Marty Scurll as El Villainisto and Jeff Cobb as Jéfe Cobbo from ROH Unauthorized in which Mini Delirious loses and is revealed to be Swoggle.

Dalton Castle, Kenny King & Flip Gordon vs Brian Milonas, Cheeseburger & Beer City Bruiser

BCB and Dalton shake hands before the match starts and Flip immediately tags himself in and foregoes a handshake before he goes to take Flip down and BCB drops him with ease. Flip chops BCB before he’s dropped with a chop and BCB rocks Flip with punches before biting him and he does the same to Kenny and Dalton when they run in. Cheeseburger gets the tag as Kenny comes in on the opposite side of the ring and they exchange before Kenny hits several hip tosses and locks in a straight armbar on the mat. Cheese flips his way free and locks in a standing headlock before Kenny drops him with a shoulder block and mocks Cheese. Cheese climbs on Kenny’s back before Kenny hits a powerslam as we go to commercial.

Flip superkicks Cheese and drags him over to the corner where Dalton comes in and Brian tries to go after him, but the referee stops him and it allows King and Castle to stomp on Cheese behind the referee’s back. The heels team up on Cheeseburger before the referee admonishes them and allows Cheese to crawl between their legs and the referee’s legs to get the tag to Brian when they’re distracted. Brian drops all three of his opponents and gets dropped by a kick by Flip before Flip hits BCB with an enzuigiri and Brian catches him in mid-air with a Brawler Slam before BCB hits Beer City for a near fall. The Bouncers and Cheeseburger then hit a double assisted Canadian destroyer for a near fall before Flip drops him with a spin kick. BCB and Kenny come in and Mandy distracts BCB from the apron before Kenny and Dalton go to suplex him and he and Brian suplex Castle, Gordon and King. Kenny hits a springboard Arabian press to the outside before Burger is tossed onto the stage and Flip teases a flip off of the stage before leaving his team and the match. BCB hits a diving cross body off of the stage before Cheese counters the Bang-a-Rang and hits the shotei before Kenny rolls him up out of nowhere while holding the tights for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kenny King, Dalton Castle and Flip Gordon defeat The Bouncers and Cheeseburger via pinfall.

-We get highlights of the ten man tag match in which Ian Riccaboni wrestled the match before we get a Wrestling with Regret countdown of the top five favorite managers in ROH with Truth Martini as number one, best known as the manager of Jay Lethal.

-We get a promo by TK O’Ryan about the Kingdom ending without him and talks about his start in the company and his accolades before saying that he’s proud of what he’s done, and that he loves the company, there is a better way. TK talks about suffering a head injury he never told anyone about and that people will leave you behind when you get injured. TK says that he’s not sure if he’s ever going to wrestle again before saying that people can change and that he got an outpouring of support from fans on Twitter. TK then thanks the fans and says that he loves them before promising that if he ever wrestles again he will return as a man the fans and the promotion can be proud of.

-We then get more highlights from ROH Unauthorized as we go to commercial.

Lifeblood (Mark Haskins & Tracy Williams) vs Dragon Lee & RUSH

Lee and Mark grapple to start the match before Mark goes for an armbar and Lee gets to the ropes for the break before they take each other down with headlocks and head scissors as we go to commercial.

RUSH and Tracy enter the match, the two running the ropes and flipping before RUSH hits a shotgun dropkick and Mark knocks RUSH out of the ring before Lee sends him out of the ring. Tracy trips Lee and Lifeblood double up on the luchadore before Mark stomps the shoulder and elbow of Lee. Mark locks in a hammer lock cross face before turning it into a rings of Saturn and Tracy hits a butterfly suplex into a jumping knee for two. Tracy sweeps Lee and Mark hits a shotgun dropkick before they exchange forearms until Mark drops Lee with a left hand. Lee comes back and drops Mark with a clothesline before hitting Tracy with a shotgun dropkick and tags in RUSH. RUSH drops Tracy with a knee and hits Mark with a snap German suplex and hits Lifeblood with a double dropkick. The brothers the do the tranquilo pose after clearing the ring as we go to commercial.

Lee fishhooks and bites Tracy in a camel clutch before RUSH and Lee apply a double submission before Mark breaks it up. Lee and RUSH take out Mark and take turns chopping Tracy against the ropes before hitting a series of knees and a DDT for a near fall. RUSH sends Mark back out of the ring when he tries to get in and Tracy sends RUSH out of the ring before Lee sets him on the top and Mark tosses Lee out of the ring. Lifeblood hit dueling topes to the outside before Lee hits a running dropkick in the corner to Tracy and the Dragon’s Press before hitting both members of Lifeblood with open hand palm strikes. Lifeblood hit an assisted sit-out powerbomb for a near fall that RUSH breaks up before hitting a running splash in the corner and Tracy hits gin with a DDT for a near fall that Lee breaks up. Lee then hits a brainbuster before Lee hits Mark with a huricanrrana onto the floor and RUSH hits Tracy with the Bulls Horns for the pin and the win.

Winner: RUSH and Dragon Lee defeat Lifeblood via pinfall when RUSH pins Tracy with the Bulls Horns.

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