
ROH Wrestling Television Results for 11/22/19 Episode #427 Villain Enterprises vs Fans Choice

Villain Enterprises defend their ROH World Six-Man Tag Team titles against a team that the Ring of Honor fans voted for online!

-We open the show with Dragon Lee coming out to the ring for his match against the man the fans voted for, Jeff Cobb before we get highlights of the aforementioned match in which Lee won with a crucifix pin.

Rush & Shane Taylor vs Dalton Castle & Matt Taven

Dalton and Matt repeatedly tag in and out for several minutes which infuriates Shane before RUSH rushes in with a shotgun dropkick and teases The Bulls Horns before Dalton rolls out of the ring and all four men brawl at ringside as we go to commercial.

We return to Shane in control of Matt, the ROH World Television champion chopping Matt before focusing on his foot and ankle. RUSH comes in and does the tranquilo pose before he focuses on the same body part that Shane did before Shane scares Dalton off of the apron. Matt rocks Shane with right hands before hitting a jawbreaker and a spinning heel kick before Dalton gets the tag. Dalton knocks RUSH off of the apron and DDTs Shane before suplexing RUSH and Shane before Matt hits a PK for a two count. RUSH and Matt then go at it outside before Shane hits a headbutt and Welcome to the 216 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shane Taylor and RUSH defeat Matt Dalton Castle and Matt Taven via pinfall when Shane pins Dalton with Welcome to the 216.

-We get a vignette for the soon to debut Bateman.

Ryan Nova vs Dak Draper

Dak tosses Ryan a participant ribbon before Ryan gives it back and rocks Dak with a high knee before Dak tosses him into the air and out of the ring. Ryan hits an enzuigiri from the apron before Dak hits a tilt-a-whirl powerslam for a two count and suplexes Ryan before hitting a hand stand knee drop. Dak hits a delayed suplex and Ryan rolls him up for a quick two count before Dak immediately drops him with a clothesline. Ryan comes back with chops and kicks before hitting a flying knee and drops Dak with a whirlwind kick for a two count. Ryan then goes for an armbar before Dak powerbombs his way free and hits a Finlay slam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dak Draper defeats Ryan Nova via pinfall with a Finlay slam.

-We get a video recapping the finals of the number one contender tournament in which Marty Scurll turned on PCO before PCO won the match and a shot at RUSH’s ROH World Championship before Villain Enterprises ended up celebrating together.

-We get a video package highlighting the top five matches in the history of Final Battle.

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match

Villain Enterprises (Marty Scurll, PCO & Dan Maff) vs Colt Cabana, Jeff Cobb & Cheeseburger

Marty and Colt start the match off by chain grappling before they have a test of strength and Marty pins Colt’s shoulders to the mat several times for a series of quick two counts. They exchange wrist locks, head scissors and head locks before Cheese comes in and Marty teases a test of strength before giving him the finger. PCO comes in and becomes enraged when Cheese avoids him before telling him to hit him and Cheese hits a pump kick into a knee lift before PCO drops him. Jeff and Dan get the tag and go toe to toe before locking up several times and trying to knock each other over. Dan and Jeff exchange forearms before Jeff stumbles him with a dropkick, but Dan runs Jeff over before Jeff rocks him with a superkick. Colt clears the Villains before Cheese hits a stunner and Dan clotheslines both Colt and Jeff before Dan launches himself cannonball style into the corner to get Cheese off of his back as we go to commercial.

We come back to Colt hitting a springboard moonsault to PCO and Dan before rocking Marty with punches. Marty kicks the knee of Colt before Colt hits a bionic elbow and Jeff exchanges with PCO before PCO clears the ring and hits an assisted flipping senton to the outside. Dan hits a suicide dive and tosses Jeff back into the ring before Villain Enterprises hit a series of running moves in the corner. PCO hits a chokeslam for a near fall that Colt breaks up before Marty teases the Cross Face Chicken Wing and Jeff nearly knocks him out with a forearm before clearing PCO off of the apron. Cheese hits a tornado DDT and a standing moonsault for a near fall before Marty hits a snap half dragon suplex and PCO misses a senton onto the apron.

Cheese hits a diving stomp for a near fall before hitting PCO with a shotei before PCO hits a double chokeslam tombstone piledriver. PCO then hits a moonsault before Dan hits a burning hammer for the pin and the win.

Winner: Villain Enterprises retain their ROH World Six-Man Tag Team titles by defeating Cheeseburger, Colt Cabana and Jeff Cobb when Dan pins Cheese with a burning hammer.

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