
ROH Wrestling Television Results for 10/31/20 Episode #476 The Finals of the PURE Title Tournament

It’s the finals of the PURE Title Tournament on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling!

– We open this week’s show with a video package recapping the entire PURE Title Tournament leading up to the finals between Jonathan Gresham and Tracy Williams on tonight’s show.

– We get a video package for EC3 and The Briscoes ahead of their tag match against Shane Taylor and the Soldiers of Savagery which is up next.

The Briscoes & EC3 vs Shane Taylor & The Soldiers of Savagery

EC3 and Kaun kick things off by locking up before EC3 takes him down to the mat before Jay and Shane come in. Jay and Shane exchange strikes until Shane catches a kick by Jay and drops him with a running knee. Jay gets the tag to Mark who ducks a right hand by Shane before dropkicking him and hitting a single leg dropkick that sends Shane out of the ring. Moses comes in and exchanges strikes with Mark before EC3 sends Shane into the railing and Mark takes out Shane and SOS out at ringside with a moonsault off of the top. Mark rolls Shane back into the ring before Shane rolls out of the way of the Froggy-bow and finishes Mark with Welcome to the Land for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shane Taylor and Soldiers of Savagery defeat The Briscoes and EC3 via pinfall.

ROH PURE Title Tournament Finals Match

Jonathan Gresham vs Tracy Williams

The two former Young Boys lock up before Jon takes Tracy down to the mat with a side headlock take over. Tracy counters a gut wrench suplex and hits an arm drag before the action spills out of the ring and exchange arm drags at ringside. Back in the ring Tracy takes Jon down before Jon counters into a single leg Boston crab before manipulating both ankles of Williams. Jon focuses on the arm and bandaged shoulder of Tracy before locking in a hammerlock and Tracy backs up into the ropes for his first of three rope breaks. Tracy locks in a side headlock before forcing Jon to the ropes and making him use his first rope break.

Jon spears Tracy before Tracy comes back with chops and a clothesline in the corner before missing a running splash. Tracy blocks a second spear by Jon into a suplex before knocking him down with more chops. Jon then hits a bridging German suplex for two as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to the two spilling out of the ring before they get back inside and Tracy locks in a cross face. Jon gets to the ropes for the break, using his second rope break before Jon comes back with uppercuts and a lariat for two. Jon immediately follows up with a second lariat for a near fall before going back to the bandaged shoulder of Tracy and going for an octopus stretch. Tracy counters the octopus stretch and knees Jon before hitting a piledriver for a near fall, Jon using his final rope break. Jon then locks in a double arm octopus stretch for the verbal tap and the win.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham defeats Tracy Williams via submission to win the tournament and become the new PURE champion.

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