
ROH Summer Supercard Results: 4 Title Matches, Ladder War & A No DQ Match

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 16. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

ROH World Championship
Matt Taven def. Alex Shelley to retain the title

Caristico, Soberano Jr. & Stuka Jr. def. Barbaro Cavernario, Hechicero & Templario

Women Of Honor World Championship
Kelly Klein def. Tasha Steelz to retain the title

ROH World Tag Team Championships
Ladder War

The Briscoes def. Guerrillas Of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) to retain the titles

ROH Television Championship
Shane Taylor def. Tracy Williams to retain the title

No Disqualification Match
Rush def. Dalton Castle

Lifeblood (Bandido & Mark Haskins) def. Jonathan Gresham & Jay Lethal

Villain Enterprises (PCO & Brody King) def. The Kingdom (TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia)

Marty Scurll def. Silas Young

Villain Enterprises (PCO & Brody King) vs. The Kingdom (TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia)

The match begins with PCO tossing O’Ryan out of the ring, O’Ryan gets in the ring and he attacks PCO with a few strikes. O’Ryan fails at a suplex attempt and PCO nails him with a sidewinder slam, PCO trips up O’Ryan in the corner before landing a drop kick. King tags in and he attacks a cornered O’Ryan with chops, O’Ryan fights back before tagging Marseglia in. King quickly drops a charging Marseglia with a shoulder block, Marseglia and King have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Marseglia nails King with a drop kick before eating a clothesline, King then nails Marseglia with a back body drop. PCO tags in and he nails Marseglia with an avalanche, King goes for a cannon ball and Marseglia moves out of the ring. The Kingdom drops PCO on the top rope before landing a double flapjack, O’Ryan tags in and he nails PCO with a bunch of chops. Marseglia tags in and he cracks PCO with a few strikes, Marseglia nails PCO with a knee strike before landing some running forearm strikes.

Marseglia drops PCO before shoving his thumb into his eye, O’Ryan tags in and he nails a cornered PCO with more strikes. O’Ryan drops PCO before applying a chin lock to him, PCO fights back and O’Ryan nails him with a suplex. PCO gets back up and he drops O’Ryan with a clothesline, King tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. King nails both cornered opponents with a series of running clotheslines, PCO tags in as the ring is cleared. King leaps off the ring apron onto both opponents, PCO follows suit and does a dive onto The Kingdom. PCO gets O’Ryan in the ring and PCO nails him with a pop up power bomb for a near fall, King hits the ring and Marseglia sends him back out of it. Marseglia also sends a charging PCO out of the ring and he collides into King, The Kingdom follow up by taking out their opponents with dives. The Kingdom bring PCO into the ring and he fights back against them, O’Ryan hits PCO with a spine buster before Marseglia lands a diving headbutt for a near fall.

PCO fights back and he knocks Marseglia out of the ring, King returns and he nails O’Ryan with a gonzo bomb. PCO hits O’Ryan with a top rope moonsault for a three count.

Winners: Villain Enterprises (PCO & Brody King)

After the match, The Kingdom goes after The Bouncers, who were watching the match while in the crowd, and a huge brawl breaks out between them.

– Silas Young makes his way to the ring wearing street clothes and he grabs a microphone, Young says he may have had too much to drink tonight. Young says he received a text from another wrestler and the text showed Black with that person in the match, Young brings up that he already holds a win over Black. Young says that Black must earn a rematch with him before exiting the ring, Black grabs the microphone and he says he still wants to have a match tonight. Black lays out an open challenge and it is answered by Marty Scurll, Scurll grabs the microphone to say he has answered the challenge. 

PJ Black vs. Marty Scurll

The match begins with Black nailing Scurll with a thrust kick after avoiding an early sneak attack, Scurll drops a charging Black with a back elbow strike. Black fights back and he drops Scurll with a spin kick, Black then hits Scurll with a springboard high cross body for a near fall. Black then hits Scurll with a side Russian leg sweep, Black holds Scurll down while pulling back on his arms. Black then curb stomps Scurll’s arm to the mat below, Black hits Scurll with a suplex before pulling back on his arms again. Black gets Scurll in a small package before dropping him with a clothesline, Black then applies a modified abdominal stretch to Scurll before rolling him up for a near fall. Black places Scurll on the top rope and he follows him up there, Scurll knocks Black off the ropes and Black returns to land a super rana. Black also nails Scurll with a top rope moonsault for a near fall, Scurll avoids a leaping Black before landing a release German suplex. Scurll knocks Black out of the ring before landing a side kick from the ring apron, Scurll quickly gets Black back in the ring.

Scurll then nails Black with a running chop followed by a tornado DDT for a near fall, Scurll looks for the Black Plague and Black blocks it before eating a knee strike. Scurll then drops a charging Black with a lariat, Scurll follows that up with a power bomb for a near fall. Scurll goes to the middle rope and Black takes him down with a one man spanish fly for a near fall, Black then hits Scurll with a pump handle TKO for another near fall. Black also nails Scurll with a springboard moonsault for a near fall, Black goes for another moonsault and Scurll gets his feet up, Scurll eats a super kick before dropping Black and stomping on his fingers. Scurll also snaps the fingers of a downed Black, Black catches Scurll in a roll up and Scurll counters with one of his own as they exchange near falls. Scurll cracks Black with a few strikes before landing a Black Plague for a three count.

Winner: Marty Scurll

Women Of Honor World Championship
Kelly Klein (c) vs. Tasha Steelz

The match begins with Steelz and Klein going through a series of reversals, Steelz avoids a charging Klein to land a shotgun drop kick. Steelz goes for a monkey flip and she crashes on the mat below as Klein blocks it, Klein holds Steelz down while applying a chin lock. Klein releases the hold to hit Steelz with an arm drag followed by a clothesline, Klein traps Steelz in the corner while landing some strikes, Steelz recovers to drop Klein with a head scissors takedown. Klein ends that momentum by kicking a charging Steelz in the face for a near fall, Steelz fights back and she peppers Klein with jabs. Klein corners Steelz again before landing a running cross body block, Klein goes to the ring apron and Steelz drop kicks her to the arena floor. Steelz follows that up by taking Klein out with a suicide dive, Klein nails Steelz with a knee strike while getting back in the ring. Steelz and Klein have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Klein ends the exchange by nailing Steelz with a front face DDT.

Klein then nails a dazed Steelz with a fallaway slam, Klein follows that up by crushing Steelz with a Saito suplex. Klein continues the attack by nailing Steelz with a series of release German suplexes, Steelz escapes a suplex and she nails Klein with a cutter from out of nowhere. Steelz goes for a sleeper hold and Klein eventually gets free, Klein hits Steelz with a death valley driver for a three count.

Winner: Kelly Klein, still the WOH World Champion

After the match, Angelina Love appears to take out Kelly Klein and Tasha Steelz with Botox Injections, Love then poses with the WOH Title belt. 

Jonathan Gresham & Jay Lethal vs. Lifeblood (Bandido & Mark Haskins)

The match begins with Haskins tripping up Gresham before twisting away on his leg, Gresham gets free and Haskins quickly rolls him up for a two count. Haskins gets Gresham down with a headlock and Gresham gets right back up, Haskins backs Gresham into the corner and both competitors go through a series of reversals. Lethal and Bandido get tagged in by their respective partners, Bandido and Lethal go through a series of reversals and pin attempts. Bandido nails Lethal with a few knee strikes before tagging Haskins in, Haskins and Bandido attack Lethal with double team moves for a near fall. Haskins and Lethal have a striking exchange until Lethal goes down, Haskins traps Lethal in the corner while landing some strikes. Bandido tags in and he drops Lethal before landing a drop kick for a near fall, Lethal fights back and Bandido corners him before landing an enzaguri. Haskins tags in and he nails the arm of Lethal with a top rope axe handle smash, Lethal fights back and Haskins stomps on his arm before wrenching away on it.

Gresham makes a blind tag and he nails a leaping Haskins with a German suplex, Haskins fights back and Gresham pops his arm. Gresham holds Haskins down while pulling back on his arm, Lethal tags in and he nails Haskins with a back body drop for a near fall. Lethal traps Haskins in the corner while landing some chops, Haskins recovers and he nails Lethal with a leg lariat. Haskins drops Lethal with a back breaker before tagging Bandido in, Bandido nails Lethal with a slingshot swanton bomb for a near fall. Lethal sends Bandido out of the ring after Gresham lowers the ropes, Gresham tags in and he smashes the back of Bandido into the ringside edge. Gresham grabs a chair and Lethal prevents him from using it, Gresham shoves Lethal down before getting back in the ring. Haskins tags in and he takes out Lethal with a suicide dive, Haskins then drops Gresham with a left.

Lethal tags in and Bandido attacks him before everybody exchanges strikes in the opposite corner, Haskins catches a leaping Gresham and he dumps him on Lethal for a near fall. Haskins then hits Lethal with a falcon arrow for a near fall, Bandido tags in and he nails Lethal with an enzaguri. Bandido then hits Lethal with a frog splash for a near fall, Haskins tags in as Gresham knocks Bandido out of the ring. Gresham and Lethal then double team Haskins in the ring, Lethal then nails Haskins with a pump kick followed by an enzaguri. Gresham takes out Bandido with a suicide dive, Lethal then gets Haskins in a figure four leg lock. Bandido power bombs Gresham onto Lethal to break up the submission attempt, Bandido and Gresham have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Bandido ends the exchange by nailing Gresham with a pop up cutter, Bandido then hits Lethal with an X Knee followed by the 21 Flex. Haskins gets Lethal in a sharp shooter while Bandido takes out Gresham with a dive and Lethal taps out.

Winners: Lifeblood (Bandido & Mark Haskins)

– Flip Gordon comes out during Tracy Williams entrance and he attacks him with multiple kendo stick shots, Gordon leaves after ROH security arrives. Williams is brought backstage and the announcers say that the ROH World TV Title Match has been postponed.

No Disqualification Match
Rush vs. Dalton Castle

The match begins with Rush knocking Castle out of the ring with a superman punch, Castle goes after Rush with a chair and Rush avoids it. Rush throws Castle into the barricade before getting him back in the ring, Rush then attacks Castle with multiple avalanches followed by a drop kick. Rush holds Castle down while applying a chin lock, Rush rolls for an arm bar and he releases it a short time later. Rush then locks a swinging Castle in a rope assisted arm bar, Rush fakes a double stomp attempt before knocking Castle out of the ring. Castle heads up the entrance ramp and Rush attacks him, Rush then throws Castle over the barricade and into the crowd. Rush grabs a trash can and he hits Castle with it, the duo battle up to the stage and Rush drops Castle before kicking him in the back. Rush grabs a cable wire and he chokes Castle with it, Rush drags Castle back to the ringside area while landing more strikes. Rush gets Castle back into the ring and he attacks him with multiple double stomps, Castle fights back and he nails Rush with a spine buster. 

Castle dumps Rush out of the ring and he follows him out there, Castle grabs a chair and he attacks Rush with it. Castle also decides to choke Rush with the chair, Castle grabs Rush and he throws him into the ring post. Castle sits Rush on the chair before landing the Peacocks Claws on him, Castle gets Rush before dropping him with a release German suplex on the arena floor. Rush fights back and Castle slams him onto some fans that are in the crowd, Castle gets Rush back in the ringside area before landing a back breaker and multiple splashes. Castle finds another chair and he attacks Rush with it, Castle gets Rush in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Rush fights back and he nails Castle with a release German suplex, Rush then uses a knee strike to knock Castle out of the ring. Rush then throws Castle into the barricade a few times before power bombing him on the announce table. 

Rush grabs a steel chair and he attacks Castle with it, Rush gets Castle in the ring and he throws a trash can in as well. Rush throws a bunch of other weapons in the ring, Rush gets in the ring and Castle attacks him with the garbage can. Rush recovers and he nails Castle with a  release German suplex, Rush then hits Castle with the Bulls Horns for a three count.

Winner: Rush

– Tracy Williams comes to the ring and he says that the title match with Shane Taylor will happen now.

ROH World TV Championship
Shane Taylor (c) vs. Tracy Williams

The match begins with Williams attacking Taylor with a series of strikes, Taylor recovers and he drops Williams with a right. Taylor traps Williams in the corner while landing strikes of his own, Williams fights back and Taylor attacks him with more strikes. Williams recovers and he locks Taylor in a rope assisted arm bar, Williams goes to the top rope and Taylor catches him as he leaps off. Williams gets free and Taylor levels him with a clothesline, Taylor then throws Williams shoulder first into the ring post. Taylor follows Williams out of the ring to throw him into the barricade, Taylor gets Williams on the ring apron before landing a leg drop on the injured arm. Williams fights back and Taylor quickly drops him, Taylor places Williams on the top rope and he follows him up there. Williams knocks Taylor off the ropes before landing a frog splash for a near fall, Williams gets Taylor up while attacking him with a ton of strikes. Taylor ends the attack by dropping Williams with a headbutt, Taylor then goes to the middle rope and he misses the splash.

Williams gets Taylor in the cross face and Taylor eventually gets to the ropes, Williams keeps Taylor down while attacking him with kicks and forearm strikes. Taylor recovers and he sends Williams shoulder first into the mat below, Taylor goes to the middle rope and Williams gets up to attack him with more strikes. Williams then hits Taylor with a super back suplex for a near fall, Williams then hits Taylor with a sliding lariat for another near fall. Williams looks for a pile driver and Taylor blocks it from happening, Taylor trips up Williams to land a knee strike and sit out pile driver for a three count.

Winner: Shane Taylor, still the ROH World TV Champion

Caristico, Soberano Jr. & Stuka Jr. vs. Barbaro Cavernario, Hechicero & Templario

The match begins with Hechicero and Stuka Jr work over each others arms, Hechicero attacks Stuka Jr with some chops and a striking exchange breaks out a short time later. Hechicero ends the exchange by nailing Stuka Jr with a drop kick, Stuka Jr recovers to hit Hechicero with a back breaker. Caristico hits the ring to take out Carvernario and Templario, Soberano Jr hits the ring and he takes a few people out. Everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out, Caristico gets knocked out of the ring by a Templario missile drop kick. Hechicero and teammates take out the opposition with suicide dives to the arena floor, Hechicero nails Soberano Jr with a spinning back breaker for a near fall. Stuka Jr hits the ring and he gets triple teamed by the opposition, Cavernario then nails Stuka Jr with a running Vader Bomb. Caristico hits the ring and he gets taken out with a missile drop kick to the balls, Soberano Jr comes in the ring and he also gets triple teamed.

Soberano Jr takes out the opposition as Stuke Jr lands a top rope splash on Cavernario, Caristico clears the ring before taking Cavernario out with a suicide dive. Soberano Jr and Templario have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Soberano Jr catches Templario with a roll up for a near fall. Templario recovers and drops Soberano Jr with a series of kicks, Templario nails Soberano Jr with a super front suplex for a near fall. Stuka Jr hits the ring and he nails Templario with a hammerlock DDT for a near fall, Hechicero comes in and he gets Stuka Jr in a modified calf slicer. Stuka Jr gets free to hit Hechicero with a Stuka Special, Hechicero eventually gets Stuka Jr in another submission and Soberano Jr breaks it up. Stuka Jr and Soberano take out some foes with dives to the arena floor, Cavernario drops Caristico with a spine buster before missing a Vader bomb. Caristico goes for a splash and Cavernario gets his feet up, Cavernario gets to the top rope and Caristico takes him down with a one man spanish fly for a near fall. Caristico gets Cavernario in an arm bar and a tap out follows.

Winners: Caristico, Soberano Jr. & Stuka Jr.

ROH World Championship
Matt Taven (c) vs. Alex Shelley

The match begins with Shelley and Taven taking turns working over each others arms, Taven gets Shelley down while holding him in a head scissors. Shelley gets free and Taven slaps him in the face, Shelley takes Taven down multiple times with some arm drags. Shelley takes Taven down and he rolls him up afterwards for a near fall, Shelley and Taven do some more chain wrestling and Taven gets to the ropes. Taven rolls out of the ring and Shelley chases him back in, Shelley catches Taven with another roll up before poking him in the eyes. Shelley drops Taven before landing a knee drop to the head, Shelley then holds Taven in a chin lock. Taven gets free and Shelley nails him with a drop kick to the knee, Taven rolls out of the ring and he drops Shelley when he exited the ring. Shelley recovers and he nails Taven with a flying knee strike to the back, Shelley steals the shoe of a sleeping fan and he throws it a Taven. Shelley follows Taven around the arena floor while landing some chops, Taven recovers and he sends Shelley into the barricade.

Shelley fights back and Taven puts him through a table to void sliced bread, Shelley gets back in the ring and Taven stomps away on him. Taven keeps Shelley trapped in the corner while landing a bunch of strikes, Taven then nails Shelley with a back breaker for a near fall. Taven drags Shelley to the ropes before choking him on the bottom rope, Taven follows up by landing a suplex for a near fall. Taven decides to hold Shelley down while applying the bow and arrow stretch, Shelley gets free and Taven nails him with multiple back breakers. Taven keeps the pressure on Shelley by applying a Boston crab to him, Shelley eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Shelley fights back and Taven nails him with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall, Taven goes to the ring apron and Shelley nails him with an enzaguri. Shelley then hits Taven with a DDT from the ring apron to the arena floor, Shelley goes after Taven and Taven gets water in his eyes. 

Shelley recovers and he propels Taven face first into the barricade, Shelley then hits Taven with a sliced bread onto the barricade. Taven recovers and he knocks Shelley into the crowd with a head kick, Taven then leaps over the barricade and onto Shelley. Taven throws Shelley over the barricade and into the ringside area, Taven gets Shelley in the ring before going to the top rope. Taven goes for a frog splash and Shelley gets his knees up, Shelley then hits Taven with Shell Shock for a near fall. Shelley then hits Taven with a series of super kicks, Shelley lands another sliced bread for a near fall. Shelley then gets Taven in the Motor City Stretch and Taven gets free to land a knee strike, Shelley gets Taven in a roll up for a near fall. Taven nails Shelley with a Climax for a near fall, Taven then hits Shelley with a knee strike and another Climax for a three count.

Winner: Matt Taven, still the ROH World Champion

After the match, Matt Taven talks about becoming the greatest ROH World Champion of all time and Rush comes out to confront him. 

ROH World Tag Team Championships
Ladder War
The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) (c) vs. Guerrillas Of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)

The match begins with all four competitors attacking each other with steel chairs, Mark quickly takes out Tonga with a suicide dive. Loa brings a ladder in the ring before brawling with Jay, Jay then sends a charging Loa out of the ring. Jay then takes out Loa with a dive from the ring apron, the brawl between both teams spills to the arena floor. Loa grabs Mark and he throws him into the barricade, Mark accidentally takes out Jay with a chair shot before getting knocked into the barricade by Tonga. Loa grabs a chair and he throws it at the head of Jay, Tonga grabs a chair and he attacks both opponents with it. Tonga picks up Mark and he puts him through a table, Mark recovers to hit Tonga with a side Russian leg sweep on the arena floor. Mark gets the ladder out of the ring before eating chair shots from Tonga, Mark grabs the chair and he attacks Tonga with it.

Jay places Loa and a ladder on a table before Mark does a dive to crush Loa, Jay gets Tonga in a choke in the middle of the ring. Tonga and Jay battle back on the arena floor before Mark joins in on the fun, Mark then uses a suplex to put Tonga through a table. Loa gets up and he attacks both opponents with chair shots, Jay uses a spear to put Loa through another table. Tonga uses a shotgun drop kick to knock Mark into the crowd, Loa grabs a chair and he attacks Mark with it, Jay gets Tonga back into the ring before nailing him with chair shots. Tonga recovers and he throws Jay into a chair that was placed in the ropes, Jay gets busted open and Loa drags him out of the ring. Tonga then power slams Mark onto a ladder that is in the ring, Mark fights with Loa on the arena floor and Loa drops him onto the barricade. Tonga attacks Jay with some strikes on the inside of the ring, Tonga traps Jay in the corner while stomping away on him. Mark uses a top rope blockbuster to put Loa through another table, Tonga and Jay have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. 

Jay misses a chair shot and Tonga nails him with a release German suplex, Jay recovers and he nails Tonga with a lariat. Jay and Tonga battle on the ring apron until Jay puts Tonga through a table on the arena floor with a Jay Driller, Mark grabs another ladder and he throws it in the ring. Loa and Mark battle in the ring until Loa throws him out of it, Jay gets in the ring and Loa power bombs him on a ladder. Mark returns and he nails Loa with a top rope chair shot, Mark knocks Loa to the arena floor before landing a DDT. Mark places Loa on a table before climbing a huge ladder, Mark leaps off the ladder and he puts Loa through a table. Mark gets in the ring and he throws a broken ladder out of it, Mark sets up another ladder in the ring and he climbs it. Tonga returns and he leaps off another ladder to nail Mark with a cutter, Tonga climbs the ladder and Jay starts climbing it a short time later. Tonga and Jay exchange strikes while at the top of the ladder, Jay knocks Tonga off the ladder and he grabs the belts to win the match.

Winners: The Briscoes (Mark & Jay), still the ROH World Tag Team Champions

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