
ROH Masters Of The Craft Results: ROH World Title #1 Contender Is Crowned, 2 Title Matches & A First Blood Match

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for ROH Masters Of The Craft. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

Defy Or Deny Match
Marty Scurll def. Dalton Castle (ROH World Champion), Punishment Martinez & Beer City Bruiser to get a future shot at the ROH World Title

First Blood Match
Matt Taven def. Cody

ROH TV Title Match
Silas Young def. Cheeseburger to retain the title

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) def. The Besties In The World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett) to retain the titles

Flip Gordon & Bullet Club (Adam Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) def. Shane Taylor & SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)

Sumie Sakai, Tenille Dashwood & Deonna Purrazzo def. Brandi Rhodes, Madison Rayne & Jenny Rose

Jay Lethal def. Jonathan Gresham

ROH TV Title Match: Silas Young (c) vs. Cheeseburger

The match begins with Cheeseburger nailing Young with a drop kick as the bell sounds, Cheeseburger then stomps away on Young in the corner. Young misses a charge in the corner and then Cheeseburger knocks him out of the ring with a palm strike, Cheeseburger and Young have a chopping exchange on the arena floor. Young gets Cheeseburger back into the ring and Cheeseburger stops Young from getting back in, Cheeseburger catches Young with a dive. Cheeseburger then catches a downed Young with a double stop from the ring apron, Cheeseburger gets Young in the ring and he misses a springboard move. Cheeseburger goes to the ring apron and Young nails him with a springboard clothesline, Young traps Cheeseburger in the corner while landing strikes.

Young gets Cheeseburger down before applying a chin lock, Cheeseburger fights back and Young nails him with a drop kick. Cheeseburger blocks a suplex before Young nails him with more strikes, Cheeseburger blocks more suplexes before nailing Young with one of his own. Cheeseburger gets on the offensive by nailing Young with forearm strikes, Cheeseburger trips up Young in the corner before landing a double knee strike. Cheeseburger catches Young with a springboard swanton bomb for a near fall, Cheeseburger goes for a palm strike and Young nails him with a knee strike. Young then hits Cheeseburger with a Finlay roll before missing a springboard moonsault, Cheeseburger then drops Young before landing a palm strike for a near fall.

Cheeseburger and Young exchange strikes until Cheeseburger gets him to the top rope, Cheeseburger follows Young up there and Young tries to land Misery. Cheeseburger escapes to hit Young with a palm strike and super DDT for a near fall, Cheeseburger and Young have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Young catches a charging Cheeseburger with a back breaker followed by a clothesline, Cheeseburger lands a fourth palm strike and Young rolls him up from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Silas Young, still your ROH World TV Champion

After the match, Bully Ray makes his way and he wonders if Cheeseburger knows why he lost the match, Ray says Cheeseburger lost because he sucks. Ray mocks Cheeseburger and his wrestling skills, Ray also claims that Cheeseburger never paid his dues in the wrestling business. Ray says that Cheeseburger will pay those dues to him, Ray throws the microphone at Cheeseburger. Cheeseburger calls Ray and asshole, Ray gets angry and he nails Cheeseburger with a choke slam before Flip Gordon arrives. Gordon nails Ray with a series of strikes followed by a super kick, Ray fights back to drop Gordon and Cheeseburger. Ray puts on his WWE Hall Of Fame Ring while flipping everybody off.

Sumie Sakai, Tenille Dashwood & Deonna Purrazzo vs. Brandi Rhodes, Madison Rayne & Jenny Rose w/Bernard The Business Bear

The match begins with Dashwood working over the arm of Rayne, Rayne does the same to Dash wood as the two chain wrestle. Dashwood trips up Rayne after the two exchange a ton of go behinds, Dashwood drops Rayne with a shoulder tackle. Rayne gets up and she drops Dashwood with her own shoulder tackle, Dashwood trips up a charging Rayne before the two exchange roll ups. Rose and Sakai get the tags from their respective partners, Rose trips up Sakai before attacking her with a few strikes. Rose and Sakai exchange roll ups for a few near falls, Purrazzo tags in and Rose nails Purrazzo with a strike before tagging Rose in. Purrazzo catches Rose and Rhodes with a double clothesline, Rhodes recovers to attack Purrazzo with a few strikes.

Bernard trips up Purrazzo and that allows Rhodes to nail her with a drop kick, Rhodes then hits Purrazzo with a Sling Blade for a near fall. Rayne tags in and Purrazzo nails her with a few strikes, Rayne catches a charging Purrazzo with a boot to the face before tagging Rose in. Rose catches Purrazzo with a running forearm strike followed by a suplex for a near fall, Rhodes tags in and she catches Purrazzo with a face buster for a near fall. Rhodes applies the short arm scissors to a downed Purrazzo, Purrazzo gets free and she tags Sakai into the match. Sakai quickly cleans house on the opposing team as Dashwood takes Bernard out, Rose nails Dashwood with a clothesline on the arena floor.

Purrazzo takes out the opposing team with a dive on the arena floor, Rayne follows suit and she dives onto everybody on the arena floor. Sakai then leaps off of the top rope on everybody on the arena floor, Rhodes catches Sakai with a roll up for a near fall in the ring. Sakai catches Rhodes with a spinning neck breaker for a three count.

Winners: Sumie Sakai, Tenille Dashwood & Deonna Purrazzo

After the match, Deonna Purrazzo grabs the microphone and talks about not winning the WOH Women’s Title Tournament. Purrazzo mentions that Kelly Klein didn’t win the title or wasn’t really undefeated anyway, Purrazzo then promises to break the arm of Klein and Klein makes her way out to the ring with a microphone in hand. Klein claims that Purrazzo refuses to meet with her backstage and that she only talks in the ring, Klein says that they will meet again on April 27 and Purrazzo agrees.

Shane Taylor & SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) vs. Flip Gordon & Bullet Club (Adam Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

The match begins with Daniels catching Gordon in a headlock, Daniels then drops Gordon with a shoulder tackle. Gordon avoids some strikes from Daniels before nailing him with a drop kick, Page and Kazarian get tagged in by their respective partners. Kazarian and Page have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Kazarian and Page also exchange forearm strikes followed by clotheslines until they both go down. The Bucks hit the ring to lay out Daniels and Sky with double team moves, Bucks hit Sky with a double hip toss followed by a double drop kick. Taylor comes in the ring and he shoves Matt to the ground a few times, the Bucks work together until Taylor power bombs Nick into Matt.

Gordon leaps at Taylor and Taylor nails him with a fall away slam, Page hits the ring and he catches Taylor in a sleeper hold after landing a few strikes. The Bucks then catch a charging taylor with a double enzaguri, members of both teams hit the ring to apply a human chain of head scissors. Page turns Taylor over and he applies the Lion Tamer until everybody releases their holds, Page then gets Daniels in the ring and he nails him with a back body drop. Gordon tags in and he nails Daniels with a running forearm strike, Daniels distracts the referee as Taylor nails Gordon with a leg drop of the ring apron. Daniels throws Kazarian into the boots of Kazarian before tagging Kazarian into the match, Kazarian nails Gordon with a suplex for a near fall.

Kazarian then throws Gordon into the closed fists of his teammates, Sky tags in and he nails Gordon with a back breaker. Taylor tags in and he nails Gordon with another leg drop, Gordon fights back and Taylor drops him with a back elbow strike. SoCal Uncensored illegally attacks Gordon before Taylor lands a splash for a near fall, Kazarian tags in and he just chokes Gordon. Kazarian holds Gordon down by pulling back on his arms, Gordon nails a charging Kazarian with a boot to the face. Kazarian gets Gordon trapped in the ropes before landing a leg drop, Taylor gets Gordon out of the ring and Gordon escapes into the crowd.

Gordon leaps off the barricade to clothesline Daniels into the ring, Gordon then takes everybody out with a dive on the arena floor. Kazarian prevents Gordon from making a tag before applying a single leg crab, Gordon gets free and he tags Page into the match. Page quickly cleans house against the opposing team, Page catches Daniels and Kazarian with a dropsault for a near fall. Page then nails Sky with a shooting star press from the ring apron to the arena floor, Taylor prevents Page from getting back in the ring and Kazarian catches him with a cutter. The Bucks hit the ring to attack Sky and Daniels, the Bucks lay out Daniels and Sky with drop kicks. Nick nails Daniels with a double stomp before nailing Sky with a lung blower, Taylor hits the ring and the Bucks take him out.

The Bucks get Taylor to the arena floor before landing a double super kick from the ring apron, the Bucks then apply sharp shooters to Daniels and Sky. Kazarian hits the ring to break up the double submission attempt, Kazarian then nails Gordon with a springboard code breaker. Page gets back in the ring and Sky nails him with a slingshot cutter, Taylor gets back in the ring and the Bucks nail him with a double super kick. Daniels returns and he nails Nick with the Angel’s Wings before eating a super kick from Matt, everybody goes to the top rope and they all miss their jumps off. Taylor goes to the top rope and Page power bombs him off, Daniels then catches Page with a uranage before missing a Best Moonsault Ever.

The Bucks then hit everybody on the opposing team with super kicks, Gordon then hits Daniels with a Star Spangled Stunner. Bullet Club and Gordon nail Daniels with a Super Indy Taker for the three count.

Winners: Flip Gordon & Bullet Club (Adam Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

After the match, Flip Gordon offers a handshake to Adam Page and Page winds up hugging him.

ROH World Tag Team Title Match: The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) (c) The Besties In The World (Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett)

The match begins with The Briscoes jumping The Besties before the bell sounds, Mark knocks Fitchett out of the ring before taking out both opponents with drop kicks. Jay throws Fitchett back in the ring before attacking Vega on the arena floor, Jay tags into the match and he nails Fitchett with European uppercuts. Mark tags in and he attacks Fitchett with some more strikes, Jay tags in and he cracks Fitchett with stomps in the corner. Mark then drops Fitchett with a headbutt before tagging jay into the match, Jay drops Fitchett with a slam before applying a modified camel clutch. Fitchett gets free and he nails Mark with a shotgun drop kick, Vega tags in and Jay quickly levels him with a lariat from out of nowhere.

Jay then hits Vega with a neck breaker, Mark tags back in and the brother destroy Vega with some double team moves. Briscoes nail Vega with a power bomb into a neck breaker for a near fall, Fitchett hits the ring and he nails Jay with a spinning jump kick before eating a lariat. Mark hits Vega with a side Russian leg sweep before applying a rear naked choke for a tap out.

Winners: The Briscoes, still your ROH World Tag Team Champions

Jay Lethal vs. Jonathan Gresham

The match begins with Gresham taking Lethal down with a headlock, Lethal gets free and he wrenches away on the arm of Gresham. Lethal then gets Gresham down while applying a headlock, Gresham goes for a back suplex and Lethal maintains the headlock. Gresham finally gets free after catching Lethal in a roll up for a near fall, Gresham and Lethal do some chain wrestling until Gresham gets control on the arm of Lethal. Gresham traps the arms of Lethal before falling backwards, Gresham catches Lethal in a few roll ups for a few near falls. Lethal recovers to nail Gresham with a hip toss followed by a drop kick, Lethal then attacks Gresham with a kick to the rib cage.

Lethal would then trap Gresham in the corner while landing some chops, Gresham recovers to nail the arm of Lethal with an European uppercut. Gresham and Lethal exchange a plethora of chops, Gresham goes for the flying hammerlock and Lethal escapes to land a drop kick to the knee of Gresham that knocks him to the arena floor. Lethal lands an atomic drop to the knee of Gresham, Lethal gets Gresham to the ring apron before smashing his knees on the ringside edge. Lethal gets in the ring and he stomps on the injured knee of Gresham, Gresham gets up and Lethal attacks the injured knee with a plethora of kicks. Gresham recovers and he cracks the wrist of Lethal, the competitors exchange some chops until Gresham goes down.

Lethal holds Gresham down before cornering him to land more strikes, Gresham trips up Lethal before kicking him in the arm and landing an arm drag. Gresham starts bending the injured arm of Lethal in some unnatural ways, Gresham looks for the octopus stretch and Lethal gets to the ropes. Both wrestlers fail to land a suplex before Gresham wrenches away on the arm of Lethal, Lethal goes for the suplex again and both competitors fall over the top rope to the arena floor. The competitors get back in the ring and they have a striking exchange, Gresham ends the exchange by nailing Lethal with an enzaguri followed by a German suplex for a near fall. Lethal catches Gresham in a sunset flip before attempting a figure four, Gresham escapes and Lethal catches him with a Lethal Combination for a near fall.

Lethal goes for the Lethal Injection and Gresham counters with a roll up before landing a double stomp to the injured arm, Gresham applies the octopus stretch to Lethal and Lethal eventually gets free to apply the figure four. Gresham escapes the hold to apply an arm bar to Lethal and Lethal gets to the ropes, the wrestlers have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Gresham catches a charging lethal with a snap German suplex, Lethal goes for a Lethal Injection and his arm gives out on him. Gresham goes for a roll up and Lethal counters with a roll up of his own for the three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal

After the match, Jay Lethal grabs the microphone and he says both of them proved that they are the best, before saying that matches like theirs are what the company is about. Lethal says both he and Gresham's talent is what made this match, Lethal says Gresham has brought out the best in him. Gresham grabs the microphone and he calls Lethal the best professional wrestler in the world, Gresham calls himself the best technical wrestler in the world and they aren't finished yet. Gresham challenges Lethal to one more match and Lethal shakes his hand while saying yes.

First Blood Match: Cody vs. Matt Taven w/TK O’Ryan

The match begins with O’Ryan interfering and Cody nailing him with the Ring Of Honor, Taven goes after Cody and Cody knocks him out of the ring. Taven gets back in the ring and he nails Cody with a Beautiful Disaster, Taven grabs the Ring of Honor and he goes for a punch. Cody ducks the punch to hit Taven with a release suplex, Cody knocks Taven back out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade a few times. Cody then grinds the face of Taven on the barricade, Cody throws Taven through the barricade and into the crowd. Cody gets Taven in the ring and he goes for a Beautiful Disaster, Taven avoids the kick before punching Cody with the Ring of Honor.

Taven traps Cody in the corner while nailing him with a bunch of strikes, Cody recovers to nail Taven with a forearm strike. Taven gets back up to hit Cody with a spinning neck breaker followed by a knee strike, Taven removes a turnbuckle pad and the Cody catches him with a power slam. Cody goes out of the ring and he grabs a chair, Cody brings the chair in the ring and Taven nails him with a fist full of quarters. Cody recovers and he nails a charging Taven with a chair shot, Taven rolls out of the ring and he grabs a chair. Cody leaps off the top rope and Taven throws a chair at his face, Taven then throws Cody into the barricade a few times. Taven grabs an ROH sign and he hits Cody with it, Taven grabs a table from under the ring and he brings it in the ring.

Taven grabs another chair and he throws it at the face of Cody, Taven then sets the table up in the middle of the ring. Taven sets Cody up on the top rope before nailing him with a few strikes, Taven follows him up there and Cody knocks him off. Cody leaps off the top rope at Taven and Taven gets out of the way so Cody crashes through the table, Taven grabs a broken piece of the table and he tries stabbing Cody with it until Cody lands a jaw breaker. Taven and Cody collide head to head before falling to the ground, Vinny Marseglia hits the ring and he throws an axe in the ring, Marseglia holds Cody down as Taven grabs the axe. Taven tries attacking Cody with an axe until Brandi Rhodes arrives to nail Taven with a low blow, Brandi grabs the axe before chasing Marseglia backstage.

Taven grabs his title belt and Taven avoids getting hit with it, Cody nails Taven with a Cross Rhodes onto the title belt. Cody goes for a punch and Taven winds up getting the belt in the way, Cody takes Taven down and he beats on Taven with strikes until the referee stops the match because Cody’s hand starts bleeding from landing all the punches.

Winner: Matt Taven

Defy Or Deny Match : Dalton Castle (ROH World Champion) w/The Boys vs. Marty Scurll vs. Punishment Martinez vs. Beer City Bruiser w/Brian Milonis

The match begins with everybody ganging up on Castle, Castle recovers and he clotheslines Martinez over the top rope to the arena floor. Scurll then hits Martinez with a super kick from the ring apron, Bruiser then does a cannonball off the ring apron and onto Martinez. Scurll gets back in the ring and he has a striking exchange with Castle, Bruiser returns to the ring to hit Castle and Scurll with a double clothesline. Martinez gets back in the ring to have a striking exchange with Bruiser, Bruiser catches Martinez with a running cross body block. Martinez recovers and he nails Bruiser with a spin kick, Scurll and Castle return to the ring and they double team Martinez.

Scurll nails Martinez with an enzaguri in the corner while Castle lands a knee strike, Bruiser returns to the ring before nailing Castle in his injured hand. Scurll catches Bruiser with a super kick before castle attacks him as well, Martinez returns and he drops Castle with a clothesline. Martinez then hits Scurll with a falcon arrow, Martinez goes to the top rope and Scurll trips him up before landing a knee strike. Castle knocks Martinez to the arena floor and Bruiser attacks Castle’s injured hand, Scurll attacks Bruiser with chops and clotheslines. Scurll then rakes the eyes on Bruiser before nailing him with a tornado DDT, Scurll sets up for the chicken wing and Martinez drags him out of the ring. Castle gets back in the ring and he nails Scurll with an exploder suplex, Castle then hits Bruiser with a German suplex.

Martinez then catches Castle with a leap from the top rope before Scurll knocks him to the ring apron, Scurll the hits Martinez with an enzaguri that knocks them both to the arena floor. Bruiser nails Castle with a top rope splash for a near fall, Castle fights back and Bruiser gets him on the top rope. Bruiser follows Castle up there and Martinez appears for a Tower Of Doom, Scurll returns to the ring and he nails Martinez with a brain buster. Scurll grabs his umbrella and Brian Milonis interferes to grab the umbrella, Scurll throws The Boys into the ring and Castle comes to help them out. Scurll then hits a distracted Milonis with the umbrella before giving it to The Boys, Castle knocks Milonis out of the ring before throwing The Boys at him.

Castle looks for a dive and Bruiser drags him out of the ring, Bruiser gets in the ring and Martinez takes him out with a kick. Martinez takes out Milonis and The Boys with a suicide dive, Bruiser goes to the top rope to dive on everybody that was on the arena floor. Martinez gets thrown back in the ring and Scurll gets a near fall on a pin attempt, Bruiser gets back in the ring and he eats a few chops before dropping Scurll with a forearm strike. Bruiser misses a charge in the corner and Martinez nails him with a few strikes, Martinez then hits Bruiser with a few head kick and South Of Heaven for a three count.

Eliminated: The Beer City Bruiser

The match continues with Martinez quickly dropping Castle, Scurll goes for a finger snap and Martinez kicks him in the head before landing a curb stomp. Martinez goes for a Psycho Driver and Castle rolls him up for a near fall, Martinez recovers to catch Castle with a head kick. Martinez nails Castle with a Psycho Driver for a near fall, Martinez sets up for a power bomb and Castle counters with a Bang-A-rang for a three count.

Eliminated: Punishment Martinez

The action resumes with Scurll and Castle having a striking exchange, Scurll then snaps the fingers on the broken hand of Castle. Scurll then hits Castle with a series of super kicks, Castle looks for the Bang-A-Rang and Scurll counters with a roll up for a three count.

Eliminated: Dalton Castle

Winner: Marty Scurll (Who gets a future shot at the ROH World Title)

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