
Rocky Johnson’s Daughter Currently Working On Documentary About Learning Of Her Half-Siblings

Several of Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s half-siblings have come forward to talk about their complicated relationship with their biological father.

Rocky Johnson, aside from being a legend of the squared circle, had a checkered past behind the scenes. Dwayne Johnson, better known as The Rock, has opened up in the past about his difficult relationship with his father in the past.

When Rocky passed away, The Rock said he felt at peace with his father because it could be a new beginning for the two of them.

Now, several individuals that were the biological children of Rocky Johnson are opening up about their own difficult relationship with Rocky in a new article from Sports Illustrated

Paula Parsons, currently age 58, recalls Rocky Johnson calling her on the phone two times in her life, reflecting on unkept promises.

“Promises after promises,” she recalls. “I’m going to come to see you. I’m gonna do this; I’m gonna do that. You get your hopes up that he’s going to come. I’m finally going to meet my dad and nothing comes of it.”

In the article, Paula also states that she kept a picture of Rocky in her room and would ask it when her father was going to come to see her.

Trevor Edwards, Rocky’s fourth son, was born in Montreal and he grew up with stories about his father being a compassionate man and tried to find solace in that.

Eventually, Trevor would connect with Rocky’s younger brother, Ricky Johnson, and one day, they took a DNA test to be sure that they were related, a moment of happiness for them.

“I hugged him and told him I loved him and welcomed him to the family,” says Ricky.

Ricky also says that he did argue with his brother through the years about it the way he lived his life, and has also done his best to unite the siblings.

“We talked many times, just me and him, one on one,” Ricky says. “We fought about [the way he treated his family], argued about it. That’s the way he chose to live his life.”

“I keep reinforcing that I love them,” he says. “I tell them that all the time, all the kids.” 

Lisa Purves, another one of Rocky’s daughters, is currently making a documentary based on her life.

“I’m [talking about this] now because I have been silent my whole life about what hurts me the most. It’s time to finally have my voice heard, so I can be free of my painful past.” (She says that Wanda and Curtis declined to participate in the doc, and her request to Dwayne’s team went unanswered.)

Lisa hopes that by sharing her story, and her siblings’ stories, others can heal too. “There are millions of other kids just like me,” she says, “and I want to [tell] people: Face your shame. If one person heals from watching this documentary, then putting my pain in public is worth it.”

During a get-together for Ricky’s 65th birthday, Paula, Lisa, Trevor, and Aaron, another son, all confirmed if they were siblings through a DNA test.

Despite the fact that her request to The Rock’s team went unanswered, Lisa and her siblings understand that Rocky Johnson’s shortcomings do not fall on Dwayne Johnson.

The Rock is currently confronting his own upbringing and his own way, through the Young Rock sitcom on NBC. For its third season, it will be on a new night, Friday night. Learn more here.

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