
RJ City: I Relate To The O Face Because Mine Happens Very Quickly And Leaves My Neck Hurting Too

Athena puts opponents away with The O Face, a twisting top rope stunner. 

Where does the O Face name come from? The only true journalist in the game RJ City was looking for answers on the latest episode of Hey! EW. 

RJ: Your finishing move is called the O Face. That’s your face when you do the move or you’re giving the O Face to the other people? 

Athena: What do you think? I want to know your interpretation of what O Face means to you.

RJ: I relate to it because mine happens very quickly and leaves my neck hurting too. 

RJ attempted to give examples of his O Face, but he needed a little work, according to Athena. As he mentioned, it’s less enthusiastic when you do it solo. 

Athena most recently gave Ashley D’Amboise the O Face on Thursday’s episode of ROH TV. Fans can check out results from the show by clicking here. 


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