
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 9/28/18 Episode #367 ROH Six-Man Tag Team Title Match

Punishment Martinez defends his ROH Television title against Aaron Solo, and the ROH Six-Man Tag Team titles are on the line on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

Four Corners Survival Match

Eli Isom vs Shane Taylor vs Flip Gordon vs Chris Sabin

Chris and Flip start the match off by exchanging forearms until they hit a double dropkick and a double clothesline. Shane and Eli come in and Shane hits a powerbomb into a running leg drop for an early near fall that Chris breaks up. Flip and Chris send Shane out of the ring before Shane catches Eli hitting a tope to the outside. Shane then hits a cannonball ball off of the apron and takes everyone out at ringside as we go to commercial.

Shane is in control until Flip hits a springboard dropkick and a running dropkick in the corner before hitting a springboard spear for a near fall that Eli breaks up. Shane catches Flip coming off of the top before turning him inside out with a lariat and Chris hits a diving cross body into a missile dropkick. Chris hits a tornado DDT for a near fall before Shane hits a uranage and rocks Eli with a headbutt before Eli hits a Samoan drop for a near fall. Eli hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to Chris before hitting a tope to the outside and taking out Flip. Shane then hits a pop up right hand that drops Eli before he catches Flip with a bicycle knee and Eli rolls Shane up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eli Isom defeats Shane Taylor, Chris Sabin and Flip Gordon via pinfall when he pins Shane with a roll up.

-Shane kills everyone after the match before Flip sends him out of the ring.

-We get highlights of Dojo Pro Wrestling before we go to commercial.

ROH Television Championship Match

Punishment Martinez (c) vs Aaron Solo

Solo tries to strike Martinez, but he just smiles before Solo hits a dropkick and Martinez stomps him down to the mat when he runs in. Martinez follows Solo to ringside before driving him into the railing and rolling him back into the ring. They then exchange forearms with Martinez dropping Aaron on the first shot as we go to commercial.

Aaron hits a jawbreaker into an enzuigiri and a superkick before clotheslining Martinez out of the ring and hitting a flipping senton over the top rope and onto Martinez at ringside. Aaron counters a chokeslam into a double stomp before Aaron counters South of Heaven into several suplexes for a near fall. Martinez then drops Aaron with a roundhouse kick before hitting a psycho driver into a silencer and a sit-out chokeslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Punishment Martinez retains this ROH Television Championship when he defeats Aaron Solo via pinfall with a sit-out chokeslam. 

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match

Silas Young, Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser vs The Young Bucks & Cody

Matt and Brian start the match off with Brian tossing Matt away repeatedly, but misses an elbow drop before Matt dropkicks him. Brian drops Matt with a shoulder block before Nick and BCB come in and demands Nick Fight him rather than wrestling with him. Nick hits BCB with a flurry of right hands before BCB catches Nick and Matt dropkicks him. Cody and the Bucks clear the ring before hitting Silas with a triple team move and Silas and his team regroup on the outside. BCB hits a powerslam to Nick before Cody powerslams him and Silas beats Cody down before BCB attacks Bernard and Silas and Brian attack Cody from behind when he’s distracted as we go to commercial.

Brian hits a running clothesline in the corner before Cody hits a snap DDT and Cody tags Nick on before Nick takes out both BCB and Silas with a flurry of moves. The Bucks double team Brian before a superkick party starts and the Bucks hit More Bang for Your Buck for a near fall. Cody takes out Brian and Silas at ringside before the BCB hits a diving cross body to the outside and drops everyone at ringside. Brian hits an assisted leg drop for a near fall before hitting a superplex and another superkick party starts. Silas then leaves before Cody hits Brian with Cross Rhodes for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cody & the Young Bucks retain their ROH Six-Man Tag Team titles by defeating Silas Young and The Bouncers via pinfall when Cody pins Brian with Cross Rhodes. 

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