
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 9/20/19 Episode #418 Tag Team Tile #1 Contender Match

Lifeblood and Villain Enterprises go head to head for a shot at The Briscoes on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

-We open the show with a video recapping the match between Lifeblood and Villain Enterprises at Center Stage in which Villain Enterprises were victorious.

Vinny Marseglia vs Beer City Bruiser

Vinny hits a suicide dive before BCB even gets into the ring and they brawl at ringside before BCB sends Vinny into the railing. BCB misses a cannonball off of the apron and chokeslams Vinny on the apron before he hits a diving cross body off of the railing and onto security at ringside as we go to commercial.

BCB hits a running splash into the corner, but misses an elbow drop before Vinny hits a side effect for a two count. BCB catches Vinny up top and Vinny drops him before hitting a swanton bomb for a near fall before BCB rocks Vinny with a right hand and a hammer lock DDT for a near fall. Vinny then exposes the turnbuckle and sends BCB face first into it before hitting a shiranui for the pin and the win.

Winner: Vinny Marseglia defeats Beer City Bruiser via pinfall with a shiranui.

-The bracket for the number one contender tournament that will culminate at Final Battle in December is announced.

-We see the aftermath of TK O’Ryan attacking Brian Milonas with a baseball bat before we get highlights of a Women of Honor fatal four way match in which Angelina Love won with the Botox Injection before Angelina and Mandy are interviewed backstage about Angelina’s shot at Kelly Klein’s championship as we go to commercial.

-ROH World champion Matt Taven cuts a promo about how great of a champion he is and everyone he’s defeated before the undefeated Rush comes out to the ring and the two square off before Matt rolls out of the ring.

-It’s announced that PCO isn’t cleared for tonight’s main event and it will instead be Bandido and Mark Haskins and Brody King and Marty Scurll.

Lifeblood (Bandido and Mark Haskins) vs Villain Enterprises (Marty Scurll and Brody King)

Brody and Bandido start the match off, Brody shoving Bandido away with ease before they run the ropes and Brody shows off his athleticism by matching Bandido flip for flip. Mark puts Marty and Brody in a double submission while Bandido superkicks them before Brody hits a double suplex and Mark starts focusing on the arm of Brody, setting him up for a Fujiwara armbar. Brody hits a jumping splash and Marty snaps Mark’s fingers before Mark dropkicks Marty and tags in Bandido who hits a corkscrew cross body into a backbreaker. Bandido hits a diving splash for a near fall and Marty and Brody double up on Bandido for a near fall that Mark breaks up. Marty hits a half Nelson suplex and Mark hits a diving stomp combined with a spinebuster by Bandido for a near fall before Lifeblood send Brody out of the ring before everyone hits a move as we go to commercial.

Marty then locks in the cross face chicken wing before Mark rolls back for a near fall and hits a falcon arrow for a near fall that Brody breaks up. Mark sends Brody into Marty and out of the ring before Mark locks in a sharpshooter for the tap and the win.

Winner:Lifeblood defeat Villain Enterprises when Mark submits Marty with a sharpshooter to gain a shot at the Briscoes’ tag team titles.

-We end the show with a promo by Rush ahead of his title match against Matt Taven at Death Before Dishonor.

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