
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 8/23/19 Episode #414 ROH World Championship Match

The Ring of Honor World Championship is on the line on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

-We get a video recapping Alex Shelley, Jonathan Gresham & Jay Lethal defeating The Kingdom at Mass Hysteria.

-Alex is interviewed backstage about his title challenge tonight against Matt Taven and talks about his career and Motor City Machine Guns and how he has nothing to lose.

-We get video package for the budding feud between Angelina Love and Tasha Steelez before we see a recap of Kelly Klein defeating Tasha at Summer Supercard before Love attacked her before Angelina is interviewed and subsequently attacked by Klein before they’re separated by security.

-Lifeblood are interviewed backstage where Mark talks about Marty Scurll convincing Flip Gordon to join Villain Enterprises before Lifeblood issue a challenge for the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship.

-We get a video recapping Flip attacking Tracy at Summer Supercard before he challenged Shane Taylor for the ROH World Television Championship and subsequently lost in brutal fashion before we get a recap of The Briscoes retaining against Guerrillas of Destiny at Summer Supercard in a Ladder War.

ROH World Championship Match

Matt Taven (c) Alex Shelley

They adhere to the Code of Honor and lock up before exchanging waist locks and chain grappling until Alex sneezes on Matt and Matt slaps him. Matt hits a side Russian leg sweep into a neckbreaker for a quick two count before Matt tries to suplex Alex out of the ring and Alex suplexes him onto the floor. Shelley rolls back into the ring. Shelley hits an Inverted STO on Taven to send him into the ringside barrier. Shelley hits a Sliced Bread on Taven over the barricade. Taven hits an Ensiguri on Shelley. Taven dives over the barricade onto Shelley in the crowd. Taven rolls Shelley back into the ring. Taven ascends the turnbuckles. Taven goes for a Frog Splash, Shelley gets his knees up. Shelley rolls Taven up for a two count. Shelley hits an Inverted STO on Taven. Shelley pins Taven for another two count. Shelley superkicks Taven. Taven flips Shelley off.

Alex sends Matt into the barricade and hits a shiranui before Matt hits an enzuigiri and a cross body onto Alex in the crowd. Matt gets Alex back into the ring and goes for a frog splash, but Alex gets his knees up and rolls Matt up for a two count before hitting him with an inverted STO for a near fall. Alex superkicks Matt who flips him off before Alex hits another shiranui for a near fall before locking in a cross face, Matt rolling back for a near fall to make Alex break the hold. Matt then hits a running knee and and The Climax for a near fall before Alex rolls him up for a near fall and Matt hits another knee and a second Climax for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Taven retains his ROH World Championship by defeating Alex Shelley via pinfall with the Climax.

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