
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 7/5/19 Episode #407 ROH World Championship Match

The leader of The Kingdom defends his ROH World Championship on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

The Kingdom (Vinny Marseglia & TK O’Ryan) vs The Bouncers

TK and Brian lock up to start the match before Brian pushes TK to the mat and TK rakes his eyes before hitting him with chops and right hands. Brian hits a back drop and a cross body before Brian sets TK on the top turnbuckle and Vinny knocks BCB off of the apron. Vinny stops Brian from superplexing TK before TK hits a diving cross body for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Kingdom defeat The Bouncers via pinfall when TK pins Brian with a diving cross body.

Josh Woods vs Local Talent

Woods takes his opponent down and his opponent hits Josh with elbows before Josh slams him to the mat and misses a spear in the corner, going shoulder first into the ring post as we go to commercial.

Josh’s opponent then drops him to one knee before he tries to pin Josh with his feet on the ropes for a near fall before Josh hits a snapmare into a knee and the Seismic Toss for the pin and the win.

Winner: Josh Woods defeats a local performer via pinfall with the Seismic Toss.

ROH World Championship Match

Matt Taven (c) vs Tracy Williams

They adhere to the Code of Honor before Tracy takes Matt down with a side headlock takeover before Matt gets to his feet and hits a snapmare before rolling Tracy up for a one count. Tracy goes for a piledriver, but Matt counters him into a knee before he hits The Climax for a near fall. Matt goes up top and goes for a frog splash before Tracy gets his knees up and rolls Matt up for a near fall before he hits a piledriver for another near fall.

Matt then sends Tracy into an exposed turnbuckle when the referee is distracted before he hits The Climax a second time for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Taven retains his ROH World Championship by defeating Tracy Williams via pinfall with The Climax.

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