
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 7/12/19 Episode #408 Bouncers & Lethal vs The Kingdom

Jay Lethal teams up with the Bouncers to take down The Kingdom!

ROH Proving Ground Match

Shane Taylor vs Rhett Titus

Rhett tries to adhere to the Code of Honor, but Shane just spits in his hand before pushing him down to the mat. Shane locks in a full nelson, but Rhett shows off his strength and powers free before they exchange headlocks. Shane drops Rhett with a shoulder block and Rhett comes back several running boots in the corner and a Samoan drop for a near fall. Shane then headbutts Rhett for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shane Taylor defeats Rhett Titus via pinfall with a headbutt.

-Kenny King comes out after the match and antagonizes Rhett, but he leaves rather than fighting him.

Four Corner Survival Match

Angelina Love vs Tasha Steelz vs Stella Grey vs Jenny Rose

Tasha and Stella pair off while Angelina and Jenny brawl at ringside before Angelina sends Stella into Tasha and out of the ring before Jenny clotheslines Angelina for a two count that Tasha breaks up. Angelina drops Tasha with a shoulder block before she comes back with a hip toss and Angelina hits a side slam for a two count. Tasha and Angelina dodge each other until they start exchanging forearms and Tasha gets tripped by Mandy at ringside when the referee is distracted. The referee then ejects Mandy and Velvet at ringside as we go to commercial.

We return to everyone rolling up Angelina for several two counts before Angelina misses a spear and goes into the ring post before Tasha hits a diving cross body to the outside and takes out Stella and Mandy before Angelina hits one of her own and plays to the crowd while trying to get Kelly Klein down to ringside from the announce table. Angelina gets double powerbombed for her troubles before Stella and Angelina lock in dueling submissions until Angelina breaks the hold and boots Stella to break up the other hold. Tasha then pins Stella with a cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tasha Steelz defeats Stella Grey, Angelina Love and Jenny Rose via pinfall when she pins Stella with a cutter.

-After the match Maneater comes out and attacks several security when Angelina and Tasha leave as soon as she shows up.

Jay Lethal & The Bouncers vs The Kingdom

Jay and Vinny get things started, Vinny driving Jay back into the corner before they exchange chops until Jay hits a cartwheel dropkick and Brian and TK come in. Brian shoves TK into the corner and TK demands Jay come back in before he does and TK drops him with several shoulder blocks and a hip toss. Jay hits another cartwheel dropkick and BCB comes in as the ROH World champion Matt Taven reluctantly enters the match and demands Jay get into the ring. Jay and Matt brawl in the center of the ring until he takes out TK and Vinny at ringside before Matt sends him into the railing. The Kingdom isolate Jay in their half of the ring until BCB gets the tag and takes out all three members of The Kingdom single handedly.

TK DDTs BCB and Brian hits Matt with a senton before hitting Vinny with a running cross body for a near fall that Matt breaks up. Brian then hits a fall away slam Samoan drop to Matt and TK before Jay hits several suicide dives and The Bouncers hit their backbreaker diving leg drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Bouncers and Jay Lethal defeat The Kingdom via pinfall when Brian pins TK.

-Matt takes out Jay at ringside before he, Vinny and TK scurry away up towards the ramp as we go off the air.

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