
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 6/14/19 Episode #404 Results Hirooki Goto vs Hikuleo

NJPW’s Hirooki Goto takes on Hikuleo, Shinobi Shadow Squad take on PJ Black and Lifeblood and Jay Lethal, PCO, Jeff Cobb and Rush square off!

Hirooki Goto vs Hikuleo

They lock up to start the match and Hiku pushes Hirooki down before Hirooki counters a scoop slam and kicks Hiku. Hiku whips Hirooki into the ropes and Hirooki repeatedly tries to knock Hiku over, but he doesn’t budge and Hirooki gets slammed for his troubles. Hiku hits a lariat for a two count before Hirooki counters an STO and Hiku counters a German suplex before Hirooki rocks Hiku with a headbutt. Hirooki then hits the GTR for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hirooki Goto defeats Hikuleo via pinfall with the GTR.

-A match between Kenny King and Jay Lethal is teased for next week as Kelly Klein and Mandy Rose come out to the ring as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Mandy and Kelly laid out on the mat and The Allure in the ring before they cut to a video package for Best in the World.

Shinobi Shadow Squad vs PJ Black & Lifeblood (Mark Haskins & Tracy Williams)

Cheese and Tracy kick things off by exchanging wrist locks and head locks before Tracy drops Cheese with a shoulder block. Mark and Ryan come in and Mark hits a snapmare into a dropkick to the back of the head before whipping Ryan into the corner. Mark hits a running forearm in the corner before Eli gets the tag and hits Mark with a flurry of strikes and an enzuigiri. Eli sends Mark out onto the apron dropkicks him to the floor before sending PJ and Tracy off of the apron. Eli hits an Asai moonsault and tosses Mark back into the ring before hitting a diving knee, Cheese hitting a senton from the top for a near fall.

Mark hits a Michinoku driver and PJ Black hits a moonsault to take out Cheese and Eli at ringside. Everyone then hits a move before PJ hits a diving stomp moonsault to Ryan for the pin and the win.

Winner: PJ Black & Lifeblood defeat Shinobi Shadow Squad when PJ pins Ryan with a diving stomp moonsault.

Four Corner Survival Match

Jay Lethal vs Jeff Cobb vs PCO vs RUSH

Rush hits PCO with a forearm before Jay does the same and Rush sends Jeff into Jay before Jeff drops Rush with a shoulder block and Rush hits him with one back before dropkicking Jay. Rush gets a near fall on Jay that’s broken up by PCO who clotheslines Rush and misses a senton onto the apron. Jay hits Rush with the Lethal Injection, but Rush smartly rolls out of the ring immediately after. Kenny King makes his way down to ringside before Jay counters a German suplex by Jeff and hits the Lethal Injection. Jay is then distracted by Kenny at ringside before Jeff hits The Tour of the Islands for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jeff Cobb defeats Jay Lethal, Rush and PCO via pinfall when he pins Jay with The Tour of the Islands.

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