
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 5/17/19 Episode #400 ROH World Championship Match

Two titles are on the line on the historic 400th episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match

Villain Enterprises (c) vs Jay Lethal, Rush & Jeff Cobb

PCO and Jay start the match off by exchanging head locks before Jay dropkicks PCO and hits Hail to the King for a near fall that Marty breaks up. Marty powerbombs Rush and slingshots him into Brody before Brody hits a running senton as we go to commercial.

We come back to Jay hitting the Lethal Injection on Marty before Brody catches Jay when he goes for another Lethal Injection. Brody then powerbombs Jay before PCO hits a moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Villain Enterprises retain their ROH World Tag Team Championship by defeating Jay Lethal, Rush & Jeff Cobb via pinfall when PCO pins Jay with a moonsault.

ROH World Championship Match

Matt Taven (c) vs Flip Gordon

They surprisingly shake hands before the match and Flip dropkicks Matt and punches him. Matt hits a low bridge and sends Flip over the top rope and down onto the floor before they get back into the ring and Flip hits an enzuigiri into a monkey flip that launches Matt across the ring. Matt comes back with a superplex for a near fall before Flip hits a Pele kick and an avalanche back suplex into a superkick. Flip hits a Falcon Arrow for a near fall and Matt powerbombs him for a near fall of his own before Flip hits a cutter. Flip then goes up top and gets distracted by balloons that come out of nowhere before Matt hits the Climax for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Taven retains his ROH World Championship by defeating Flip Gordon via pinfall with the Climax.

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