
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 3/22/19 Episode #392 Lifeblood vs Castle & The Boys

Tag teams abound on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

Dalton Castle & The Boys vs. Lifeblood (Juice Robinson, Bandido & Tracy Williams)

Juice and Dalton lock up to start the match before Dalton puts Juice in a headlock that Juice pushes out of, only for Dalton to send him out of the ring. Dalton teases a tope, but opts to play to the crowd instead before Juice gets back in the ring and sends Dalton out before playing to the crowd and posing himself. Juice rolls Dalton up for a two count before one of The Boys comes in and hits Juice with an enzuigiri, but Juice brushes off a springboard forearm and tags in Bandido. Dalton grabs Bandido when be hits the ropes, but Bandido gets out of the way and The Boy kicks Dalton instead. Bandido hits Dalton with a huricanrrana and a moonsault once he’s back in the ring for a near fall that Dalton breaks up.

Bandido sets The Boy on the second rope and hits a moonsault. Castle breaks a pin attempt on The Boy by Bandido. Lifeblood send Dalton out of the ring and into the railing before he comes back with a back elbow and a clothesline to Bandido. Dalton takes out Juice before Bandido sends the other Boy into Dalton and sends them out of the ring. Bandido then hits a spin-kick and his finisher to the Boy in the ring for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lifeblood defeat Dalton Castle and the Boys when Bandido pins one of the Boys.

NWA National Championship Match

Willie Mack (c) vs Rhett Titus

Willie and Rhett lock up before Willie backs Rhett into the corner for a clean break before they exchange wrist locks and Willie takes Rhett down. Once he’s back up Willie clotheslines Rhett and hits him with a discus elbow into a scoop slam. Willie then hits a Samoan drop into a standing moonsault and a stunner before finishing with a frog splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Willie Mack retains his NWA National Championship when he defeats Rhett Titus via pinfall with a frog splash.

Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham vs Coast 2 Coast

Jay and Ali start the match off with Jay dropping Ali several times before Jonathan comes in and exchanges strikes with Ali. Jay kicks LSG off of the apron and Ali clotheslines Jonathan before Jonathan kicks his legs out and Jay powerbombs him. Jonathan locks in a figure four that LSG breaks up before LSG is sent out of the ring before Jay and Jonathan hit dueling suicide dives to the outside. Jay then rolls Ali back into the ring before Jonathan hits a rolling cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham and Jay Lethal defeat Coast 2 Coast via pinfall when Jonathan pins Shaheem with a rolling cutter.

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