
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 1/25/19 Episode #384 Villain Enterprises Debuts

Villain Enterprises make their Ring of Honor Wrestling television debut, Juice Robinson in action and more on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

Nick Aldis joins on commentary to start the show.

PJ Black vs Juice Robinson

They chop each other to start the match before running the ropes and countering each other before Juice rocks PJ with right hands. Juice hits a springboard cross body over the top rope before they get back into the ring and PJ drops Juice with a whirlwind kick as we go to commercial.

We come back to PJ still in control, hitting a diving knee drop for a quick two count before locking in a variation of the Billie goat’s Curse. PJ goes out after Juice when he rolls out of the ring and hits him with a right hand before tossing him back into the ring and suplexing him. Juice gets a near fall off of a back slide before PJ clotheslines him and drops him with a diving elbow off of the second rope. Juice comes back with an overhead belly to belly suplex and a running clothesline in the corner into a spine buster. Juice hits a bloody cross for a near fall before PJ hits a frankensteiner and a springboard moonsault for a near fall.

They then exchange strikes until Juice drops PJ with a right hand and a cannonball in the corner before PJ sends the referee into Juice for the disqualification.

Winner: Juice Robinson defeats PJ Black via disqualification.

-PJ lays the referee out with a right hand after the match before leaving as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Juice talking about 2019 and him showing up a lot more.

Mike Law vs Shane Taylor

Shane immediately knocks Mike out with a forearm before hitting a sit-out piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shane Taylor defeats Mike Law via pinfall with a sit-out piledriver.

-We come back from commercial to Flip Gordon being interviewed by Colt Cabana before he’s interrupted by Kenny King and a match is set up between the two.

Villain Enterprises vs Shinobi Shadow Squad

VE attack SSS from behind and beat on them at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back to Eli and Marty in the ring with Eli in control until Brody hits him from behind and Marty clotheslines him. PCO comes in and hits a Michinoku driver before tagging in Brody who hits a running senton for a two count. Brody chops Eli in the corner before Eli comes back with a straight jacket release German suplex and tags in Cheeseburger as Marty gets the tag. Cheese takes control and hits a springboard senton for a quick two count PCO runs into him and drops him. PCO drags Marty over and gets out so he can get the legal tag before he misses a running splash in the corner and tags Ryan in.

Ryan rocks PCO with a knee before PCO clotheslines him and Cheeseburger puts him in a sleeper while Eli superkicks him repeatedly. PCO breaks free and clotheslines Eli as we go to commercial. 

SSS are in control as they clear the ring before hitting suicide dives only to be taken out before PCO hits a bucklebomb and a pop-up powerbomb. Brody then hits a gonzo bomb before PCO hits a moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Villain Enterprises defeat Shinobi Shadow Squad via pinfall when PCO pins Ryan Nova with a moonsault.

-We end the show with a video of Bully Ray sitting in front of a fire and pouring lighter fluid on it as we see his match with Flip Gordon before Ray says that he never said “I quit.”.

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