
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 11/16/18 Episode #374 ROH Tag Team Championship Match

The ROH tag team championship is on the line on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

-Dalton Castle and the Boys come out to the ring to start the show and says that he’s back and he demands a title shot. The Kingdom’s Matt Taven comes out to the ring and says that he is the rightful champion and all title shots go through him. The Kingdom then show up and attack Dalton and the Boys as we go to commercial.

Street Fight

Marty Scurll vs Shane Helms

Shane attacks Marty and chops him at ringside as we go to commercial.

They get in the ring and Marty attacks Shane with several umbrellas until Shane comes back with tight hands and hands a butterfly neckbreaker. Shane breaks an umbrella and drops Marty with a right hand into a flat liner for a quick two count before bringing several chairs into the ring. Shane puts Marty on the top turnbuckle, but Marty fights him off before Shane chokeslams him onto the chairs. Shane then hits Nightmare on Helms Street for a near fall as we go to commercial.

They exchange strikes on the apron as we return to the action before Marty puts Shane through a table set up at ringside. Marty rolls Shane back in the ring for a near fall before pouring tacks onto the mat, the two trying to put each other in the tacks until Shane chokeslams him onto them. Shane gets a near fall before Marty low blows him and pours them in his mouth before superkicking him. Marty then hits graduation for the pin and the win.

Winner:Marty Scurll defeats Shane Helms via pinfall with Graduation.

ROH Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match

The Briscoes (c) vs SoCal Uncensored vs Young Bucks

Sky and Nick start the match off by running the ropes until Sky hits an arm drag and they exchange arm drags until Sky hits a flipping senton over the top rope onto the Briscoes at ringside. Back in the ring Sky and Kaz double up on Mark for a quick two count before Jay gets a blind tag and drops Kaz with a clothesline. Mark sends Kaz into the barricade before Jay drops him with a boot and tosses him back into the ring, Jay putting Kaz in a rear chin lock until tagging Mark back in. Mark chops Kaz in the corner before suplexing him, Kaz coming back with a lung blower before he goes to tag in Sky, but he’s knocked from the apron as we go to commercial.

Kaz hits a German suplex and tags in Matt who hits a double flying clothesline and a twisting stunner. Matt applies a sharpshooter to Jay before Sky breaks it up and the Bucks hit a pop-up spear. The Bucks hit a series of double team moves for a near fall to Jay before Kaz gets a near fall off of an inside cradle. SoCal hit a dropkick powerbomb for a near fall to Matt that Nick breaks up before a superkick party ensues and Nick gets the tag. Nick takes out everyone including the referee before the Briscoes start throwing chairs as soon as the referee is incapacitated.

Jay hits a backbreaker to the already bad back of Matt across a chair before Kaz counters a doomsday device into a flying Spanish fly for a very close near fall. SoCal then pin Mark with an assisted lung blower.

Winner: SoCal Uncensored defeat The Briscoes and Young Bucks to become the new ROH Tag Team champions when Frankie pins Mark with a lung blower.

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