
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 1/11/19 Episode #382 ROH Tag Team Championship Match

The Briscoes defend their ROH Tag Team Titles, Villain Enterprises debut, and Zack Sabre Jr. is in action on this week’s episode of ROH TV!

Tracy Williams vs Zack Sabre Jr.

Tracy is in control to start the match before ZSJ begins his signature chain grappling and a variety of holds and submissions as we go to commercial.

We come back to ZSJ in control until Tracy drops him with a knife edge chop and before ZSJ starts focusing on the taped up shoulder of Tracy. Tracy hits a Saito suplex into a running clothesline in the corner into a DVD for a two count before ZSJ licks in a variation of an abdominal stretch into a calf lock and an ankle lock before Tracy locks in an armbar. ZSJ goes for an armbar of his own before Tracy locks in a cloverleaf before ZSJ gets a near fall off of a roll up and they exchange a variety of strikes. Tracy then gets a near fall off of a lariat before ZSJ counters a piledriver into an octopus stretch for the tap and the win.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr. defeats Tracy Williams via submission with a modified octopus stretch.

Twisted Sisterz vs Brit Baker & Madison Rayne

Madison and Holidead start the match with a test of strength before Madison gets several quick two counts. Brit comes in and hits a sling blade before Holidead hits a leg drop for a quick two count and TS hit a double team move for a two count as we go to commercial.

Brit comes back with forearms before Holidead drops her with clothesline and Brit comes back with a superkick before tagging Madison in. Madison hits Thunderosa with chops and right hands before hitting a cutter for a near fall. Brit comes back in and she and Madison are hit with a double clothesline by Holidead before Thunderosa hits a lung blower for a near fall. Thunderosa then accidentally kicks Holidead before Brit hits an exploder suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Madison Rayne and Brit Baker defeat Twisted Sisterz via pinfall when Brit pins Thunderosa after an exploder suplex.

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

The Briscoes (c) vs SoCal Uncensored

The two sides throw chairs at each other before the match gets started and Sky starts the match with Jay. Sky backs Jay into the corner with strikes and Mark attacks him from behind before the Briscoes start tagging in and out every few seconds and chaining together double team moves for a series of two counts. Jay and Sky exchange right hands, elbows and forearms until Sky rocks Jay with a bicycle knee and hits a jumping neckbreaker. Kaz comes in and hits a neckbreaker to Mark when he rushes him before hitting a DDT for a two count before SoCal clear the ring and Kaz hits a tope to the outside as we go to commercial.

Wr cone back to The Briscoes in control, Jay hitting a neckbreaker to Kaz for a two count before Kaz hits a lung blower and Sky hits a slingshot cutter. Sky sends Mark out of the ring with a bicycle knee before Sky hits a tornado DDT for a near fall. Kaz gets the tag and Jay rakes the eyes of Kaz before Mark tossed a chair into the ring and Sky stops him. SoCal hit their finisher for a near fall that Mark pulls the referee out of the ring and Kaz accidentally takes out the referee with a tope. The Briscoes then take out SoCal with chairs before SoCal counter the doomsday device and Kaz rolls Jay up for a near fall, the referee not in the ring until what would be the count of seven. Jay hits a Jay Driller to Kaz before hitting him with a superplex and Mark hits Froggy-Bow for a near fall. Jay then boots Kaz before The Briscoes double team Kaz and hit the Redneck Boogie for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Briscoes defeat SoCal Uncensored to retain their ROH World Tag Team Championship when they pin Kaz with the Redneck Boogie.

-We end the show with Marty Scurll who comes out to the ring and challenges Jay Lethal to a championship match before The Kingdom come out and surround him. Brody King and PCO then appear in the ring and fight off The Kingdom as we see Marty’s new associates in Villain Enterprises who clear the ring as we go off the air.


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