
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Episode 351 Results ROH Tag Team Title Match, Jonathan Gresham vs Flip Gordon

The Briscoes defend their Ring of Honor Tag Team Championship on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television.

Jonathan Gresham vs Flip Gordon

They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks and strikes, then Flip kicks Gresham and catches Gresham when he comes off of the ropes attempting a springboard DDT. Flip hits a falcon arrow for a quick two count before Gresham rolls him up for a two count of his own. Gordon then hits a Pele kick before finishing with a Star Spangled Stunner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Flip Gordon defeats Jonathan Gresham via pinfall with a Star Spangled Stunner.

-Bully Ray comes out after the match and praises Flip before they go to shake hands and Bully kicks him between the legs. We then get a recap of how Austin Aries turned on Kenny King last week.

Deonna Purrazzo vs Kelly Klein

Deonna hits a cross body off of the apron before sending Kelly into the railing, then drives her into the side of the ring before rolling her back in. Deonna sends Kelly into the referee before hitting a cutter, but the referee is still down when she goes for the pin. Deonna then helps the referee up and Kelly kicks her before she counters a suplex and locks in a Fujiwara armbar, but Kelly counters it into a guillotine choke and Deonna is forced to tap for the win.

Kelly Klein defeats Deonna Purrazzo via submission with a guillotine choke. 

ROH Tag Team Title Match

The Briscoes (c) vs Roppongi 3K ​​​​​​

The Briscoes attack Sho and Yoh from behind before Mark chops Sho repeatedly in the ring as Yoh sends Jay into the railing. Yoh comes in and 3K double team Mark before hitting him with 3K for a near fall, then 3K double team Mark more before Jay throws a chair into the ring. Mark kicks Yoh down low before Sho hits him with a series of strikes, then Mark ducks a clothesline and tags Jay in. Mark then puts Sho in a choke and Jay hits the Jay Driller on Yoh for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Briscoes retain their ROH Tag Team titles by defeating Roppongi 3K via pinfall when Jay hits Yoh with the Jay Driller. 

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