
Ring of Honor Wrestling Presents Best in the World 2019 Results

The brightest stars of Ring of Honor Wrestling clash tonight at 9PM EST!

Good evening Fight Fans! We hope your day has been a great one and that you’re ready for the weekend with Ring of Honor Wrestling’s annual event Best in the World!


Flip Gordon vs Rush

Rush kicks away Flip’s hand when he tries to shake hands before Rush repeatedly shoves Flip away when he goes for a waist lock. Flip chops Rush repeatedly and he just smiles and fixes his hair before Flip slaps him in the face and Rush tosses Flip to the mat before sending him out of the ring. Rush hits a running forearm that knocks Flip off of the apron before tossing him into the barricade and eventually into the front row. Rush tosses Flip back into the ring and chops him in the corner before hitting a snapmare into a dropkick to the back of the neck of Flip. Rush does push ups and chops him more before Flip catches Rush coming in and hits an enzuigiri before hitting a springboard dropkick.

Flip hits a running clothesline into the corner before Rush grabs him and hits a uranage before he kicks Flip in the face and does the Los Ingobernables pose in the center of the ring. They exchange forearms until Flip hits a Pele kick into a roundhouse kick and hits Rush with forearms, Rush telling him to bring it before the referee pulls him away and Rush collapses to the mat. Flip hits a knee and a falcon arrow for a near fall before Flip hits a springboard spear for a near fall of his own. Flip hits a bicycle knee before Rush drops him with a clothesline and they chop each other in the corner before Rush stomps Flip in the corner. Flip gets several near falls before tossing Rush out onto the apron, Rush catching Flip when he goes for a suicide dive and tossing him into the barricade before throwing a trash can full of streams at him.

Back in the ring Rush gets several near falls before Rush nearly launches Flip out of the ring with a running shotgun dropkick in the corner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rush defeats Flip Gordon via pinfall with a running shotgun dropkick in the corner.

-The NWA World Heavyweight champion Nick Aldis comes out to the ring to address the match that he was supposed to have with Colt Cabana against the Briscoes. Nick wishes Colt well before James Storm interrupts him and mocks him before saying that he’s beat both Nick and Colt before talking about his twenty years in the business. James gets into the ring and squares off with Nick before Nick introduces his tag team partner Eli Drake. Eli comes out to the ring and confirms that he is the newest acquisition of NWA before leaving. We end the pre-show with a video package for Dalton Castle’s match against the former IWGP Jr. Heavyweight champion Dragon Lee.

Main Show

Dalton Castle vs Dragon Lee

Lee immediately hits a shotgun dropkick into two running shotgun dropkicks for a near fall before dropkicking Dalton out of the ring. Lee goes after Dalton and Dalton sends him into the ring post before Lee hits an enzuigiri with Dalton on the apron before he goes for a huricanrrana and Dalton catches him. Dalton powerbombs Lee onto the apron and sends him into the front row several times at different spots before Lee sends Dalton into the barricade. They get back into the ring and Dalton hits a DDT for a quick two count before he controls Lee on the ground and rips at his mask before he makes several lax pin attempts for quick two counts. Dalton rips the mask of Lee and exposes the left side of his face before Lee hits a huricanrrana that sends Dalton out of the ring before redirecting a suicide dive and whipping Dalton into the barricade.

Back in the ring Lee hits a butterfly backbreaker into a PK for a two count before Dalton hits a variation of a t-bone suplex into a Saito suplex. Lee hits a snap German suplex and rocks Dalton with a bicycle knee before hitting a reverse huricanrrana for a near fall before Dalton counters a northern lights suplex and turns Lee inside out. Lee counters the Bang-a-Rang before Lee hits a shining wizard for a surprising one count and Dalton hits a rainmaker lariat into the Bang-a-Rang. Dalton then sweeps Lee in the corner before he mocks Rush and hits Lee with Rush’s running shotgun dropkick in the corner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dalton Castle defeats Dragon Lee via pinfall with the Bang-a-Rang and the Bull’s Horns.

The Allure (Angelina Love & Mandy Leon) Kelly Klein & Jenny Rose

Kelly and Jenny immediately go after Angelina and Mandy, hitting a their opponents with a flurry of moves before it’s Kelly and Love in the ring. Kelly and Love exchange standing headlocks before Love drops Klein with a shoulder tackle and Kelly hits an arm drag into a shoulder tackle of her own. Angelina hits a neckbreaker and Kelly hits a jawbreaker into a shoulder tackle before Angelina spears her. Kelly hits a side slam for a quick two count and tags in Jenny before they hit a double suplex and Angelina rolls out of the ring to regroup. Jenny chases Angelina around ringside before Velvet hits her and Angelina rolls her back into the ring and tags in Mandy.

Mandy kicks Jenny in the corner and Angelina hits knees in the corner before Jenny rolls out of the ring and Mandy hits Jenny from behind. Angelina hits a diving cross body to the outside and takes out both Jenny and Kelly before rolling Jenny back into the ring for a two count. Jenny spears Mandy when she gets the tag and tags in Kelly as Angelina gets the tag on the opposite side and suplexes Mandy. Kelly hits several fall away slams and Mandy hits a snap DDT before Kelly spears her from the apron. Jenny sends Mandy off of the apron and down onto the floor before Mandy sends her into the barricade as Kelly hits an avalanche fall away slam for a near fall.

Velvet then distracts the referee before Mandy hits Kelly with a high heel and Angelina hits the Botox Injection for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Allure defeat Kelly Klein and Jenny Rose when Angelina pins Kelly with the Botox Injection.

-After the match Maria Manic appears in the ring and security stop her as The Allure escapes before she man handles them, tossing them around the ring before hitting a torture rack and a razors edge powerbomb out of the ring.

Jay Lethal vs Kenny King

They lock up for a clean break before Kenny takes Jay down and kicks him in the back before hitting several arm drags and Jay hits a cartwheel into a dropkick. Jay hits Kenny with right hands and Kenny snaps his arm in the ropes before they end up outside and Jay chops Kenny at ringside before he puts a chair on top of Kenny, but the referee stops him. Jay beats on Kenny in the walkway before Kenny retakes control once they’re back in the ring and locks in a Boston crab. Jay gets to his feet and they exchange strikes before Jay hits a high back body drop and a clothesline before hitting a missile dropkick off of the second rope. Jay hits Kenny with the Royal Flush for a near fall before hitting a suicide dive, Kenny catching him on the second one and hitting him with a spine buster onto the floor.

Jay gets back into the ring at the count of nineteen and gets a near fall off of a roll up before Kenny hits a blue thunderbomb and a shooting star press for a near fall. Jay locks in a figure four before he lets go of it and hits the Lethal Injection for a near fall. Kenny then hits Jay with a Lethal Injection before finishing with the Royal Flush for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kenny King defeats Jay Lethal via pinfall with the Royal Flush to win the third match in the best of three falls series and the series.

Pure Rules Match

Silas Young vs Jonathan Gresham

Silas and Jon lock up before Silas applies a hammer lock and Jon twists his wrist before Silas takes Jon down. Silas gets a quick two count and slaps Jon before Silas tries to pin Jon’s shoulders to the mat and chops him once he gets to his feet. Silas blocks a chop and drops Jon with a shoulder tackle before he backs him in the ropes and locks in a standing toe hold before the referee makes him break the hold. Silas locks in an abdominal stretch before Jon locks in an octopus stretch, Silas getting to the ropes for the break. Jon takes Silas down before tripping him and they run the ropes until Jon chops Silas before they run the ropes again and Silas drops Jon with a right hand. Silas tosses Jon out of the ring and whips him into the barricade before he tosses him back into the ring and hits a slingshot jumping stomp.

Silas suplexes Jon for a quick two count and locks in a single leg Boston crab, Jon getting to the ropes for the break, both men using up two breaks by this point. Silas locks in a stock submission before Jon gets to the ropes for the break, this being Jon’s final break before Silas hits a back suplex. Silas knocks Jon off of the second rope and down onto the floor before Silas gets Jon back into the ring and locks in a full nelson before Jon counters it into a roll through for a near fall. They exchange forearms until they counter each other’s suplexes until they spill out of the ring and down onto the floor. Jon then distracts the referee before hitting a low blow into a PK to the arm and locking in the octopus stretch for the win.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham defeats Silas Young via submission with an octopus stretch.

Nick Aldis & Eli Drake vs The Briscoes

Eli and Mark start things off before Nick and Jay tag in and Jay locks in a headlock before they exchange right hands and Mark gets the blind tag when Jay drives Nick into the corner. The Briscoes double team Nick before playing to the crowd and Nick hits a suplex before Eli hits a jumping elbow drop for a quick two count. Jay gets the blind tag and clotheslines Eli before headbutting him and stomping him in the corner. Mark chops Eli and Jay missed a running splash in the corner before Eli hits a jumping neckbreaker and tags in Nick. Nick chops Jay in the corner and hits a falcon arrow for a two count before Jay dropkicks him and Mark and Eli come in and exchange strikes until Mark hits a uranage to Eli and a Pele kick to Nick.

Mark catches Eli up top and hits an iconiclast for a two count before slamming him down and Eli hits a superplex. Jay boots Nick off of the apron before Eli hits a burning hammer for a near fall and Jay hits a huricanrrana before the Briscoes hit the Redneck Boogie into a lariat for a near fall that Nick breaks up. Nick counters a Jay Driller into the Kingsland Cross that Mark breaks up before hitting a dropkick through the ropes into a diving elbow drop off of the apron and to the floor. Jay and Eli brawl at ringside before Jay tosses Eli into the crowd and they’re counted out.

Winner: No Contest due to double count out.

-Eli spits water in the eye of James Storm at commentary before the two brawl to the back, the Briscoes double teaming Nick at in the ring as Ian tries his best to keep Colt on the commentary table before Kamille shows up out of nowhere and lays out Mark with a spear before she’s escorted out of the ring. The Briscoes then take out security before Mark hits a Froggy-Bow to Nick through a table. Marty Scurll then comes out to the ring after the Briscoes leave before he helps Nick up and they hug before he helps Nick to the back.

ROH World Television Championship Match

Shane Taylor (c) vs Bandido

Bandido slaps Shane and they exchange forearms before they roll and flip until Shane spits on the hand of Bandido when he tries to shake his hand. Bandido hits a huricanrrana that sends Shane to the outside before Shane catches Bandido when he goes for a huricanrrana off of the apron and powerbombs him onto the apron. Shane chops Bandido and exchanges words with a fan before rolling Bandido back into the ring and elbowing the back of his neck. Shane hits Bandido with an open hand palm strike to the chest and drops him for a quick two count before applying a headlock. Bandido gets to the ropes for the break and Shane crumples Bandido with a headbutt before Bandido kicks his knee and tries to chop him down, Shane missing a running splash before Bandido hits a corkscrew cross body off of the top.

Bandido hits a face buster and a tope to the outside when Shane rolls out of the ring. Back in the ring Bandido hits a springboard huricanrrana for a near fall and Shane hits a running clothesline into a lariat that turns Bandido inside out for a near fall of his own. Bandido hits a moonsault off of the top before Shane hits a uranage and a diving splash off of the second rope for a near fall. Shane boots Bandido and slaps him before Bandido counters a piledriver and superkicks Shane before Shane blocks a German suplex. Shane hits a powerbomb into a knee and a package piledriver for a near fall before Bandido catches Shane when he comes off of the top and slams him for a near fall.

Bandido then hits a shooting star press for a near fall before Shane hits a sit-down piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shane Taylor retains his ROH World Television Championship by defeating Bandido via pinfall with a sit-down piledriver.

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match

Villain Enterprises (c) vs Lifeblood (Mark Haskins & Tracy Williams) & PJ Black

Marty and Mark get things started off by grappling before Mark calls for PCO and Marty calls for PJ. PJ and PCO come in and PJ repeatedly tries to knock PCO over, but he just gets tossed across the ring for his troubles. PCO headbutts PJ who superkicks him before PCO hits a boot into a senton and Brody tags himself in. Tracy comes in and hits Brody with chops and forearms before Brody drops him with a single chop and sets him on the top turnbuckle before Tracy locks in an armbar in the ropes. Tracy repeatedly tries to clothesline Brody, but he doesn’t budge before Marty comes in and wrenches his arm, sending him down to the apron.

Tracy rolls out of the ring and Brody hits a cannonball off of the apron to Lifeblood before PCO hits an assisted cannonball with Brody’s help. PCO hits a belly to belly suplex and Brody a jumping splash for a two count before PJ locks in a variation of a unique stretching hold. Marty fights his way out of the opposite corner and Brody gets the tag before hitting several running clotheslines in opposite corners before he sends Tracy out of the ring. Mark kicks Brody before Marty locks in a Boston crab and PCO hits a diving leg drop before Brody hits a senton for a near fall. VE hit an assisted German suplex for a near fall before Mark counters a chokeslam and hits an enzuigiri before PJ hits a meteora for a near fall.

Mark and Tracy hit dueling topes to the outside before Tracy hits a piledriver for a very close near fall. Marty snaps the fingers of Tracy before everyone hits a move until PCO hits the Kryptonite Crunch and PJ and Marty exchange strikes until PJ superkicks Marty out of the ring. PCO clotheslines himself and PJ over the top rope before Tracy and Mark powerbomb PCO onto the apron. PJ hits a springboard moonsault for a near fall before Brody hits a double springboard arm drag into a tope to the outside. Back in the ring PJ gets a near fall off of a roll up before PCO hits a moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Villain Enterprises retain their ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship by defeating Lifeblood and PJ Black via pinfall when PCO pins PJ with a moonsault.

-After the match The Soldiers of Savagery take out Tracy and Mark before Bandido sends them out of the ring and Bully Ray hits him from behind. Flip comes out with a kendo stick and runs Bully off before he and the Soldiers leave. Flip then joins Lifeblood before Marty appears on the screen and introduces Flip as the latest member of Villain Enterprises before he superkicks Bandido and slides out of the ring. VE then take out Lifeblood before security make them leave, but not before Flip hits a 450 onto Tracy through a table.

ROH World Championship Match

Matt Taven (c) vs Jeff Cobb

Jeff sets Matt up top when he goes for a headlock before he tosses Matt out of the ring and lifts him onto the apron by his hair before Matt counters the Tour of the Islands into a sleeper. Jeff catches Matt coming off of the top and hits an overhead belly to belly before hitting a throw away slam, Matt rolling out of the ring. Matt spits at Jett from ringside before Jeff goes out after him and Matt sends Jeff’s arm into the apron before hitting a suicide dive. Matt teases The Climax once they’re back in the ring before hitting a rolling neckbreaker into an armbar. Matt misses a frog splash and Jeff hits snake eyes before hitting a one handed pump handle fall away slam and Jeff clotheslines him repeatedly before turning Matt inside out.

Jeff hits a standing moonsault for a two count and suplexes Matt before Matt hits a huricanrrana into several running knees for another two count. Jeff counters The Climax once before Matt hits it on the second attempt and Jeff hits a wheelbarrow German suplex. Matt then counters the Tour of the Islands into a spiking Climax for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Taven retains his ROH World Championship by defeating Jeff Cobb via pinfall with The Climax.

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