
Ring of Honor Episode 349 Results WOH Championship Match, The Kingdom vs SoCal Uncensored & More!

The Women of Honor Championship is on the line, The Kingdom faces off against SoCal Uncensored and more on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television.

The Dawgs vs Cheeseburger & Jushin Thunder Liger

Rhett and Burger start the match off by locking up before Rhett pushes Burger down, then away when he tries to lock in a headlock. Burger gets a one count off of a roll up before Will tags in and sends Burger back into the corner and Burger catches him with an elbow. Burger hits a diving cross body before Liger comes in and drops Will with a shoulder block before hitting both of the Dawgs with a series of chops. Rhett dropkicks Liger before Burger superkicks Will and he and Liger hit a double clothesline. Liger then hits a brainbuster on Rhett for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cheeseburger & Jushin Thunder Liger defeat The Dawgs via pinfall when Jushin pins Rhett with a brainbuster.

Women Of Honor Championship Match

Sumie Sakai (c) vs. Jenny Rose

Jenny goes to slap Sumie to start the match  but Sumie ducks and hits Jenny with a series of strikes before hitting a flying head scissor for a quick two count. Rose side steps Sumie in the corner before hitting a German suplex, then hits a spear for a near fall. Sumie then hits a back elbow before finishing with a rolling cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sumie Sakai defends her WOH Championship against Jenny Rose by defeating her via pinfall with a rolling cutter.

ROH Six Man Championship Match

The Kingdom (c) vs SoCal Uncensored

TK and Kaz start the match off before a brawl ensues and Kaz hits a northern lights suplex to Vinny before SoCal hit a series of double team moves. Christopher hits a diving cross body before Kaz hits a DDT to Vinny for a quick two count that TK and Matt break up. Matt tags himself in and boots Kaz for a near fall before Daniels hits an STO to Matt before both sides try to use foreign objects, the referee stopping them both times before getting them out of the ring. Kaz then brings a chair in the ring when the referee is distracted and tries to hit Matt, but he gets out of the way and ends up hitting the ropes and the chair bounces off the ropes and he ends up hitting himself; the referee then forced to call for the bell when he sees Kaz down in the ring with the chair.

Winner: No contest due to the referee throwing the match out.

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