
Ring of Honor Episode 345 Results ROH Television Championship Match & More!

Fightful.com’s recap of this week’s episode of Ring of Honor television.

Chuck Taylor vs Josh Woods

Josh immediately goes for an armbar, but Chuck is quick to the ropes for the break before Josh backs him into the corner and hits him with a series of knees to the midsection. Chuck rakes the eyes of Josh before locking in a variation of an octopus stretch before hitting an enzuigiri into a dropkick. Josh then comes back with an exploder suplex as we go to commercial.

Josh is in control as we come back from commercial, hitting an overhead northern lights suplex into a release German suplex. Chuck comes back with a diving shotgun dropkick before Josh sends him out onto the apron and puts him in an arm triangle choke before Josh lets go at the count of four. Chuck rolls Josh back into the ring before hitting a high knee into a falcon arrow for a near fall. Chuck hits a variation of Eat Defeat before Josh hits a spinning DVD GTS. Josh then goes for an armbar  but Chuck rolls him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Chuck Taylor defeats Josh Woods via pinfall with a roll up.

-Bully Ray comes out to the ring and cuts a promo on everyone in the back and Joe Koff all the while threatening the crowd before leaving as we go to commercial. 

ROH Television Championship Match 

Silas Young (c) vs Flip Gordon ​​​​​

They lock up to start the match before Silas drops Flip repeatedly, then Flip comes back with a huricanrrana that sends Silas out of the ring. Silas then comes back in and turns Flip inside out with a lariat as we go to commercial.

Silas is in control as we come back from commercial, hitting Flip and playing to the crowd before dropping him with a right hand for a quick two. Flip fights out of a choke before hitting an enzuigiri into a springboard dropkick  then Flip whips Silas into the corner and hits a dropkick into a springboard sling blade for a near fall. Silas catches Flip up top and goes for a superplex, but Flip counters and sends him out of the ring before hitting a tope to the outside, then once they're back in the ring Flip hits a standing moonsault for a near fall as we go to commercial.

Flip is in control as we come back from commercial before Silas comes back with a series of moves including a catapult brainbuster for a very close near fall. They counter each other until Flip hits a superkick into a falcon arrow for a very close near fall, Silas rolling out of the ring immediately after before Flip rolls him back into the ring. Silas then gets a near fall off of a roll up before Flip comes back with a series of forearms and chops before Silas hits Misery for the pin and the win.

Winner: Silas Young retains his ROH Television Championship by defeating Flip Gordon via pinfall with Misery.

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