
Ring of Honor Episode 321 Results – Kenny King Defends his ROH Television title against Mark Briscoe, Best Friends vs The Addiction & More!

-We open the show with a video for the confrontation between Cody and Dalton Castle last week where Cody insulted Dalton before attacking him and hitting the Bang-A-Rang in the center of the ring. 

ROH Television Title Qualifying Match

Punishment Martinez vs Josh Woods

Josh pushes Martinez when the bell rings before hitting a Saito suplex when he sidesteps a boot, Martinez getting out of the ring before Josh hits a tope to the outside. They get back in the ring and Martinez drops Josh with a forearm before slamming him down and hitting a high angle senton for a quick two count as we go to commercial.

Martinez fights out of a rear naked choke into a falcon arrow for a quick two count, then Josh comes back and hits a knee in the corner into a cannonball. Martinez comes back with a series of kicks including a superkick before hitting a diving cross body off of the top turnbuckle. Josh counters a chokeslam into an armbar, then transitions into a guillotine choke before Martinez powers his way to his feet and hits a choke bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Punishment Martinez defeats Josh Woods via pinfall with a choke bomb to gain entrance to the ROH Television title match at Final Battle.

-Jay Lethal comes out to the ring and talks about his career and how great he is and how all he wants is another title shot. Marty Scurll comes out to the ring, umbrella in hand and introduces himself to Jay before talking about how he came to Ring of Honor for competition and that he wants to face a ruthless and fearless Jay Lethal, not a cowardly one. Jay says that he was a villain because he wanted to and Marty does it because it was the only way for him to succeed in the business. Marty says that he stole Lethal's fans and that at Final Battle he wants to face him and Jay accepts before leaving as we go to commercial.

Ring of Honor Television Title Match

Kenny King (c) vs Mark Briscoe

Jay immediately tosses a white towel into the ring as soon as the match starts and the referee is forced to call for the forfeit.

Winner: Kenny King retains his Ring of Honor Television title when a towel is thrown in and Mark "forfeits".

-After the match Punishment Martinez comes out and attacks Kenny before Shane Taylor comes out and inadvertently saves him by attacking Martinez. Everyone involved in the multi-man match at Final Battle then come out and brawl as we go to commercial.

Best Friends vs The Addiction

Daniels and Trent start the match off before Kaz comes in and Taylor comes in, Addiction having the upper hand at first before the Best Friends turn it around and send Kaz out of the ring while double teaming Daniels and playing to the crowd. BF hit a double foot stomp off of the top on to an emerald flowsion for a near fall, then everyone hits a move to the outside. Addiction double team Trent at ringside as we see The Kingdom watching the match from the top of the ramp. They get back in the ring and Kaz hits a scoop slam into a springboard leg drop for a quick two count, then he tags Daniels back in and they hit a series of rapid fire double team moves for a near fall as we go to commercial.

Trent comes back as we come back from commercial, dropping Daniels with  lariat before managing to tag Taylor in, Chuck hitting both of them with right hands before Daniels accidentally hits Kaz. Addiction hit a neckbreaker powerbomb combo for a near fall before the Best Friends come back and clear the ring. Trent then hits a flipping senton to the outside before Taylor hits what he calls the Awful Waffle for the pin and the win.

Winner: Best Friends via pinfall

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