
Ring of Honor Episode 319 Results ROH World Championship Match & More!

TK O'Ryan vs Jonathan Gresham

They lock up to start the match for a clean break before they exchange hammer locks until Matt Taven distracts him and TK hits a shining wizard for a near fall as we go to commercial.

TK is in control as we come back from commercial, dropping knees onto Gresham repeatedly for a quick two count before he comes back with a series of chops. TK slaps Gresham who beats him down in the corner, then TK sends him out of the ring. Everyone at ringside for both TK and Gresham are barred from ringside before Gresham gets back in the ring and gets a series of near falls. The Kingdom then get in the ring and attack Gresham as the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham via disqualification

ROH World Championship Match

Cody (c) vs Scorpio Sky

Cody immediately drops Scorpio with a flurry of offense before Scorpio hits an arm drag that sends Cody out of the ring. Sky hits a flipping senton to the outside before rolling Cody back into the ring for a quick two count. They counter each other before Cody locks in a submission that he lets go of himself, then mocks Daniel Bryan before Sky hits a release German suplex into the corner. Cody then pokes Sky in the eyes before locking in the American Death Lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: Cody submits Scorpio Sky with the American Death Lock to retain the ROH World Championship.

The Addiction vs KUSHIDA & Jay Lethal

KUSHIDA starts the match off with Daniels before Daniels immediately tags Kaz in, then gets out of the ring and Daniels gets on the mic and says they'll take the count out. KUSHIDA hits a somersault senton over the top rope before Jay hits a tope to the outside, then roll Addiction back into the ring before playing to the crowd as we go to commercial.

Jay is in control as we come back from commercial, dropping Daniels with a forearm for a quick two count before KUSHIDA tags in and mocks Kaz. Daniels fights out of a headlock before KUSHIDA hits a series of arm drags and a straight armbar. Jay tags in and gets backed into Addictions' corner, the two long time partners double teaming Jay and tagging in and out until Jay finally manages to tag KUSHIDA in after several minutes. KUSHIDA drops Daniels repeatedly before locking in the Hoverboard Lock until Daniels gets to the ropes for the break. KUSHIDA kicks his arm before Daniels accidentally hits Kaz, then Daniels whips KUSHIDA into his corner as we go to commercial.

KUSHIDA and Kaz exchange strikes before KUSHIDA nearly knocks Kaz out with a right hand and tags Jay in. Jay hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker onto Daniels when he tags in, then hits Hail to the King for a near fall. The Addiction hit a double team move for a near fall before Kaz accidentally takes out Daniels, then KUSHIDA tags back in and kicks in an armbar that he has to give up when Kaz rolls him up. Daniels gets back in the ring and gets laid out by Jay before everybody hits their finisher. KUSHIDA then locks in the Hoverboard Lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA & Jay Lethal via submission

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