
Ring of Honor Episode 316 Results ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match & More!

-Silas Young and BCB come out to start the show before they're interrupted by the Young Bucks. The Bucks and Hangman Page talk on the ramp about their Six-Man Tag Team titles. They then set up a match later tonight where Silas and Beer City Bruiser will team up with Minoru Suzuki as we go to commercial.

ROH Television Title Match

Kenny King vs Josh Woods

Kenny plays to the crowd to start the match before Josh takes him down with a single leg, then grapples until King takes him down with a leg sweep. They exchange headlocks before Kenny takes Josh down and puts him in a straight armbar. Josh then hits a fall away slam into the corner for a near fall as we go to commercial.

Kenny is in control as we come back from commercial, hitting a corkscrew cross body to the outside while playing to the crowd, then rolls Josh back into the ring for a near fall. Josh drops Kenny with a roundhouse kick for a near fall before hitting a series of suplexes. Josh catches Kenny in midair and puts him in a triangle choke, but Kenny manages to get the pin and the win regardless.

Winner: Kenny King pins Josh Woods to retain his ROH Television title.

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match

Nick starts the match off with BCB before tagging in Matt, Silas coming in only to be triple teamed. BULLET CLUB play to the crowd before Adam calls out Suzuki, the two exchanging strikes before Minoru puts a Kimura on all three of them. Everyone gets in the ring and Silas, BCB and Minoru all apply kimuras before playing to the crowd and mocking BULLET CLUB as we go to commercial.

Silas, BCB and Minoru triple team Matt as we come back from commercial, then Matt hits a spinning cutter before tagging Page in. Minoru teases the Gotch Style Piledriver, but he gets superkicked, then BCB and Silas come in and Minoru ends up hitting it. BCB then hits a splash off of the top rope for a near fall that the Bucks break up as we go to commercial.

Page and Minoru exchange strikes before Page hits a moonsault to the outside, taking out both BCB and Silas before they hit a shooting star press Indie Taker onto the floor. Page then hits the Rite of Passage to BCB for the pin and the win.

Winner: BULLET CLUB retain their titles after Hangman Page pins Beer City Bruiser.

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