
Ring of Honor Episode 312 Results Search & Destroy vs BULLET CLUB & More!

-Bully Ray comes out and talks to the fans to start the show, talking about how big a fan of Ring of Honor he is and how great the Briscoes are before talking about their dissension and The Kingdom, saying that they will win the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship back as we go to commercial.

Cheeseburger vs Will Ferrara

They brawl to start the match before Cheese hits a PK that sends Will out of the ring, then hits a cross body to the outside. They get back in the ring and Will sends Cheese into the ropes before dropping him with a series of right hands and playing to the crowd. Cheese takes control as we come back from commercial, hitting a running clothesline in the corner and double knees in the corner into a springboard senton for a near fall. They both get near falls before Will hits a code breaker in midair for another near fall, then a jumping flat liner for yet another near fall. They spit in each other's faces before Cheese hits a tombstone for a near fall.

Cheeseburger hits a double foot stomp for a near fall, Will getting his foot on the bottom rope before Will locks in a submission for the tap and the win.

Winner: Will Ferrara via submission

Silas Young vs Chase Browne

They lock up to start the match before Silas drops him with a shoulder block before Chase hits a monkey flip in the corner. They exchange strikes before Silas hits a backbreaker into a lariat, then Silas hits Misery for the pin and the win.

Winner: Silas Young via pinfall

Search & Destroy vs BULLET CLUB

Nick and Gresham start the match off before everyone takes turns diving out of the ring. The Bucks hit Rise of the Terminator before playing to the crowd. They get back in the ring and Gresham hits a springboard moonsault before we have a superkick party as we go to commercial.

Jay is in control as we come back from commercial, hitting a series of German suplexes before Nick takes out both members of Motor City Machine Guns. Everyone then hits a move before MCM hit their finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Search & Destroy via pinfall

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