
Ring of Honor Episode 311 Results Jay Briscoe & Bully Ray vs BULLET CLUB & More!

Jay Lethal vs Beer City Bruiser No Disqualification Match

They brawls on the ramp and at ringside before the match even starts, then Jay hits a tope to the outside once he does get in the ring. Jay beats on BCB when he sits him on a chair, then monkey flips him out of it and to the floor. BCB comes back and drops Jay as we go to commercial as security keeps Silas away from the ring.

Jay is in control as we come back from commercial until BCB grabs a steel chair and hits Jay with it repeatedly. BCB sets the chair up in the corner before they exchange strikes until BCB spears the chair in the corner when Jay side steps him as we go to commercial.

Jay misses an elbow drop off of the top rope before hitting the Lethal injection and taping BCB to the bottom rope. Jay then proceeds to destroy his leg with a beer keg and a chair before locking in a figure four leg lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: Jay Lethal via submission

Will Ferrara vs Howie Timberche’

Howie tosses Will around before dropping him with a lariat and a series of atomic drops before hitting a jumping elbow drop for a quick two count. Howie dropkicks Will to the outside before Will sends him into the ring post and hits a tornado DDT onto the floor. They get back in the ring and Howie hits a back flipping elbow in the corner for a near fall before Will low blows him and hits a tornado DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Will Ferrara via pinfall

Bully Ray & Jay Briscoe vs BULLET CLUB (Hangman Page & Cody)

Jay and Cody start the match off, Jay hitting a shotgun dropkick in the corner and knocking Page off of the apron before taking out Cody who rolled out of the ring. Jay rolls Cody back in the ring drops him with a sliding lariat for a quick two count before Page comes in and turns him inside out with a lariat. Page beats on Jay before tagging Cody back in, then they start tagging in and out as we go to commercial.

Jay tags in Bully Ray as we come back from commercial, taking out both members of BULLET CLUB before tagging Jay back in, Jay hitting a diving elbow drop off of the top rope. Marty Scurll comes out before Mark comes out and gets out a table out from under the ring. Mark runs after Marty as they fight in the crowd before Bully and Jay hit a doomsday device. Cody sends Ray into the ring post before Jay hits w fisherman’s buster for a near fall. TK O’Ryan then comes out of nowhere and distracts him, allowing Cody to hit Cross Rhodes for the pin and the win.

Winner: BULLET CLUB via pinfall

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