
Ring of Honor Episode 303 Results Motor City Machine Guns vs War Machine & More!

Dalton Castle & The Boys vs Coast to Coast & Flip Gordon

Flip and Castle start the match, the two mocking each other and shoving in between poses before all six men get in the ring and brawl. Castle then clears the ring and sends one of the boys onto Coast to Coast before posing. Flip gets back in and takes out both boys before he hits a 450 splash into everyone on the outside as we go to commercial.

Flip is in control of one of the boys as we come back from commercial, keeping him isolated in his corner before hitting a PK for a near fall that the other boy breaks up. Coast to Coast and Flip then triple team one of the boys for another near fall before the boy gets a near fall off of a roll up. Castle gets the tag and takes out Coast to Coast on the apron before hitting a dead lift German suplex with a bridge to Flip for a near fall. Castle hits a Saito suplex to Flip before hitting the Bangarang for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dalton Castle & The Boys

Matt Taven vs Ultimo Guerrero

They exchange wrist locks to start the match before Ultimo slams Matt down and rolls him up for a quick two count. They exchange front headlocks and chops before Ultimo turns Taven inside out with a lariat for a near fall. Ultimo does it again for another near fall, then Taven hits a jumping roundhouse kick after he sends Ultimo to the outside. Ultimo clotheslines Taven over the railing before diving over it onto him and playing to the crowd as we go to commercial.

Raven is in control as we come back from commercial, but he misses a springboard moonsault allowing Ultimo to capitalize. Ultimo plays to the crowd before Taven slams him down and locks in a sharpshooter, Ultimo getting to the bottom rope for the break. Ultimo then hits a powerbomb off of the top rope for a near fall before Taven gets a low blow and hits the Climax for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Taven via pinfall

Motor City Machine Guns vs War Machine

Sabin and Hanson start it off by exchanging wrist locks, then Sabin flips before putting Hanson in an octopus stretch that he powers out of before they stand off and shake hands. Rowe and Shelley tag in and exchange forearms before Rowe drops Shelley, then sends Sabin into Shelley as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial to War Machine in control, the two double teaming Shelley for a near fall before Sabin gets the blind tag and MCM team up on Hanson in the ring before doing the same to Rowe out of it. They get back in the ring and hit another double team move for a near fall before MCM start tagging in and out, hitting more rapid pace double team moves for another near fall. Rowe then comes back and hits a uranage to Shelley onto Sabin before he tags Hanson back in, Hanson hitting a series of running clotheslines in the corner as we go to commercial.

Hanson is in control as we come back from commercial, keeping the high flying Shelley grounded before he tags in Rowe. War Machine go for their finisher, but MCM counter them, hitting a sliced bread to Hanson and a series of simultaneous double team moves before Rowe hits a double fall away slam. War Machine then come back for a near fall that Shelley breaks up before they hit a sliced bread powerbomb combination off of the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Motor City Machine Guns via pinfall

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