
Ring of Honor Episode 293 Results Four Corners Survival Match For The ROH World TItle Contendership & More!

Coast to Coast vs The Kingdom

The Kingdom attack CTC immediately, then CTC are quick to send Taven out of the ring before double teaming Vinny. CTC then dive over the top rope in unison and take out Taven and Marseglia as TK O’Ryan looks on as we go to commercial.

Ali tags in LSG as we come back who drops Taven repeatedly before Taven sends him out onto the apron. Ali hits an enzuigiri and a rolling lariat before LSG puts him in the tree of woe, then they hit a coast to coast. Vinny hits a swanton bomb and Taven hits a tiger driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Kingdom via pinfall

-The Young Bucks come out and talk about defeating the Hardys and how they got the belts back and that they challenge any team in professional wrestling. They talk about how Adam Cole tried to fire them from the Bullet Club before they interrupted by the Spirit Squad. Mikey says that he and Kenny are willing to face them next week for the ROH Tag Team titles. They get in the ring and are immediately superkicked before the Bucks leave with their belts as we go to commercial.

Matt Sydal vs Flip Morgan

They lock up, then Matt takes Flip down before Flip tries to roll him up, but Matt quickly escapes to his feet. They exchange hammer locks and flips before Flip starts flipping repeatedly, then Matt kicks his legs before trying a snapmare, but Flip flips when he does and lands on his feet. Flip dropkicks Matt before Matt comes back with a back elbow in the corner and a wheel kick that drops Flip before playing to the crowd. Matt chops Flip repeatedly before Flip hits a springboard sling blade. Flip hits a standing moonsault for a near fall, then drags Matt to the corner before getting on the top turnbuckle, landing on his feet when he misses a 450 splash. Matt hits a Michinoku driver for a near fall of his own, then hits Flip with a jumping knee that drops him before Flip jumps on the top rope and kicks him off of the top turnbuckle for another near fall. Matt then hits a shooting star press for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Sydal via pinfall

-Adam Cole is interviewed about the future of his career and his future in ROH, Cole having already decided to leave the promotion.

Four Corner Survival Match ROH World Championship Number One Contender Match

Everyone takes turns trying to roll each, then White hits Page and Lethal with back elbows before suplexing Page into Lethal and Silas in one corner. Page dropkicks White, then Silas hits Lethal with a backbreaker before White and Page counter each other repeatedly until Page drops White with a lariat. Page sets Lethal on the top rope, but he fights him off, then they hit a tower of doom as we go to commercial.

Lethal gets dropkicked by White as we come back before they exchange strikes in the center of the ring until Lethal drops White with a European uppercut. Lethal hits a cartwheel dropkick before Silas tosses him out of the ring and Silas and White exchange forearms before Silas hangs White in the ropes. Silas ends White out of the ring with a springboard clothesline, then Page and Silas face off before spitting in each others faces and exchanging forearms. They run into each other repeatedly, then Silas hits a Green Bay plunge before Page superkicks him when he’s on the top rope. Page and White exchange chops before Page sets White on the top rope, then White dropkicks Page as Silas and Lethal exchange strikes on the apron.

White sends Page out of the ring, then he dives out onto everyone before he gets on the top rope and hits a swanton bomb to the floor as we go to commercial.

Lethal hits a flatliner into a German suplex on Page before Lethal tosses Page out of the ring and hits White with the Lethal Combination for a near fall. Silas beats on Lethal at ringside after dragging him out of the ring, then Page hits a front flipping lariat through the ropes before he goes for Rites of Passage, but White counters with a roll up for a near fall. Silas hits Misery on Page, then hits the Green Bay plunge on White for a near fall that Lethal breaks up. Lethal and Page exchange forearms in the center of the ring before Lethal hits the Lethal Injection for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jay Lethal via pinfall

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