Ring of Honor Episode 263: Field Of Honor, Bullet Club, More
Welcome to the Fightful.com recap for Ring of Honor's Field of Honor. In our main event we have ROH versus Bullet Club and EVIL of Los Ingobernables de Japon challenging Bobby Fish for his ROH TV Title!
Bobby Fish vs EVIL ROH TV Title Match
EVIL starts off strong and aggressively, but Bobby counters. EVIL talks to Bobby then rakes his eyes before knocking him down with a shoulder tackle. Fish drops EVIL with a dropkick then hits a series of kicks. Fish puts the kneebar on, but EVIL gets right to the ropes then goes to the outside. Fish chops EVIL around the outside then drags him around by the hair. EVIL puts Fish into the ring post then hits Fish with a chair. EVIL rolls back into then across then out of the other side of the ring, that was funny. EVIL puts the chair around Bobby's neck and runs him into the ring post like he does in Japan as we go to commercial.
As we come back Fish is in control, dropping EVIL repeatedly then hitting an exploder suplex into the turn buckle for a close 2 count. Fish kicks EVIL in the corner EVIl goes for the Fisherman's Buster, but Fish reverses it into a samoan drop. EVIL hits a belly to back suplex, but Fish drops EVIL with a dragon screw leg whip. EVIL catches a kick and hits the Fisherman's Buster that has a name, but I can't find out what it's called.They exchange forearms in the center of the ring then Fish hits a series of strikes, EVIL countering with a dragon suplex then a lariat that turns Fish inside out. EVIIL hits a Dodan, but can only get a close 2 count. EVIL goes for EVIL, but Fish reverses it. Fish hits a leg lariat then hits a falcon arrow for a very close 2 count right into a kneebar for the tap and the win. Great match by these guys and great showing by EVIL.
Winner: Bobby Fish via submission with a kneebar
Michael Elgin vs Donovan Dijak IWGP Intercontinental Title Match
They lock up to start the match for a clean break. Dijak hits Elgin with a forearm then challenges him to a test of strength. Dijak tries to knock Elgin down, but gets knocked down himself then Elgin hits a stalled suplex to the count of 30; Jesus he's strong. Elgin hits a slam then a springboard splash for a quick 2 count. Dijak picks Elgin up then just tosses him across the ring, showing he's got power too. Dijak hits a standing cart-wheel leg drop for a quick 2 count. Dijak goes for Feast Your Eyes, but Elgin counters it, the two stalling, trying to pick each other up, but Elgin gets it in the end as we go to commercial.
Elgin drops Dijak with a stiff lariat then another one that sends him inside out for a close 2 count. Elgin hits Kuwada style powerbomb for a close 2 count as the crowd chants for "Big Mike". Elgin picks Dijak up again and hits the buckle bomb, but Dijak hits the Dodan out of no where for a very close 2 count. They exchange forearms then Dijak hits two discus boots, dropping Elgin. Dijak hits a chokebreaker then a moonsault for a close 2 count. Elgin hits an AA on the apron then Dijak sends him off the top rope, going for another moonsault, but Elgin meets him. Elgin hits a super exploder suplex then the bucklebomb and the Elgin Bomb for the pin and the win. Good match by these two big guys.
Winner: Michael Elgin via pinfall with the Elgin Bomb
ROH vs Bullet Club
MCM, ACH and Lio Rush square off in the ring with The Young Bucks, Yujiro Takahashi and Adam Page. Matt and Lio start it off, Lio showing off his athleticism and Matt getting cheap heat with a too sweet right to the eyes, following up with a series of stomps. Rush drops Matt with a series of kicks then takes out Nick when he tries to interfere as we go to commercial.
We come back with Sabin and Page in the ring, Sabin tagged in Shelley after hitting a huricanrrana and a monkey flip. Shelley gets in while Page tags in Nick then Shelley tags Sabin back in, MCM doing plenty of double teaming. Lio hits a double foot stomp to the back of Nick as Sabin gets a quick 2 count off of it. All four of the faces choke Nick in the corner then Sabin takes out all of Bullet Club on the apron as they hit shotgun dropkicks onto Nick for a close 2 count. Team ROH are acting like heels then Lio goes to dive out of the ring, getting a superkick from Matt and Page, following up with one on ACH on the outside. Nick dives over the top rope and takes out MCM and Lio as the crowd chants "Too Sweet". The Bucks isolate Rush in their corner then he and Matt exchange forearms. The Bucks hit a bucklebomb kick then a headscissor superkick as we go to commercial.
Lio tries to fight his way to his side, but Page stops him dead in his tracks. Page gets a quick 2 count then tags in Matt who immediately tags in Nick then they put on a camel clutch as Nick runs the ropes then just too sweet's Lio in the face. Nick tags Matt back in then Lio and Matt exchange strikes in the center of the ring. Lio hit a series of offense then tries to get a tag, but can't. Lio kicks all of Bullet Club off the apron then Nick accidentally superkicks Matt. Lio tags in ACH who takes out all of BC on the outside then takes out Yujiro. ACH hits a back body drop for a quick 2 count that The Bucks break up then MCM take out The Bucks. Rush takes out both members of the Bucks on the outside with dives then Page gets kicked twice then germaned for a very close 2 count that Yujiro breaks up. MCM do a bunch of double team moves on Yujiro. The Bucks take out MCM as Page hits a standing shooting star press on the apron that takes out ACH on the outside. Lio gets a double superkick that sends him to the ground, leaving The Bucks the only ones in the ring. ACH hits a corkscrew moonsault taking everyone out. ACH tags Sabin in and he and Shelley double team Page, well start to, but The Bucks stop that with superkicks. Page hits a thrust kick then The Bucks hit a double superkick into The Rite of Passage for the pin and the win. That match was crazy and non-stop, great main event for the special event!
Winner: Bullet Club via pinfall