
Ring of Honor Episode 255 What Will Jay Lethal Do Now? Jay Lethal vs Colt Cabana & More!

Welcome to the Fightful.com recap for this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling, Episode 255. Tonight is set to be unforgettable after the horrible crime committed by The Bullet Club after they destroyed then shaved ROH World Champion Jay Lethal’s head bald. What will the consequences be, if anything for the Young Bucks and Adam Cole who seem that they can’t be stopped at this point? Tonight we have Jay Lethal defending his ROH World Title against Colt Cabana as well!

-We open with a video package showing what happened last week where The Bullet Club attacked Jay Lethal after the main event and shaved his head. They show Lethal backstage after the match, looking at his head and screaming in anger and shock then he calms down, seeming to realize something.

Will Farrara vs Jay White

The match starts off even, exchanging wrist locks and arm drag takeovers. Farrara gets two cradle pins, but only gets two quick 2 counts. White is keeping Farrara grounded with various holds and some unique submission holds I’ve never seen before. White goes to spear Farrara, but he dodges and sends White outside, diving out after him as we go to commercial. Farrara hits a tornado DDT for a close 2 count, but White counters with a missile dropkick for a close 2 count of his own. They then exchange forearms strong style. Farrara hits a reverse STO out of no where for a very close 2 count. White hits a uranagi for a close 2 count then follows up with the Kiwi Crusher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jay White via pinfall with the Kiwi Crusher.

-We then get a vignette for the debut of Katsuyori Shibata who will take on Silas Young at next week’s Death Before Dishonor. They then show a package for Mark Briscoe on his road to challenging Bobby Fish at Death Before Dishonor for the ROH TV Title then we go to commercial. As we come back it’s time for the Fish Tank. Mark comes out and says he was scheduled to be on the Fish Tank, saying it’s nothing but communist propaganda, saying Fish is trying to control the fans minds. Mark says he’ll go ahead and turn it into the Chicken Shack. Mark then introduces Fish who comes out dressed to impress. Mark asks Bobby how he is among various things. Mark asks about his travels to Japan as reDragon with Kyle O’Reilly, Mark asking if he prefers chicken or fish. Mark tells Bobby next time he goes to Las Vegas he’s going to lose the TV title. Fish says that if he ges the belt he’ll still be Jay’s little brother. Security then comes out to stop Mark from attacking Fish who leaves the ring.

Jay Lethal vs Colt Cabana ROH World TItle Match

The match starts with neither man getting the advantage within the first five minutes, very back and fourth early, very evenly matched. Lethal gets a little bit of an advantage with a dropkick that sends Colt outside. Very slow match so far, a lot of holds, I have a feeling this is just setting up The Bullet Club to come out soon. Cabana hits a dropkick of his own that sends the champion outside, proving even more how evenly matched these two are. Lethal drags Cabana out of the ring then hits him with a big boot, following it up with 3 dives to the outside that sends Cabana up the ramp way as we go to commercial.

As we come back Lethal is in control now, but Cabana turns Lethal inside out with a lariat. They then exchange strong style forearms, playing to the crowd with right hands. Cabana then hits a splash for a quick 2 count, but Jay hits the Lethal Combination out of no where. Lethal then hits Hail to the King, but is rolled up for a close 2 count. Lethal then hits the Lethal Injection, but somehow Cabana kicks out at what was very nearly a 3 count. Cabana nearly gets the win off of a Chicago Skyline as we go to commercial. Lethal then hits a cutter into a Lethal Injection combination for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jay Lethal via pinfall with the Lethal Injection.

-After the match Jay asks Nigel to come into the ring. Jay asks for a match with Adam Cole, but Nigel says he says he’ll never give him a title shot and if he does he’ll be a hypocrite, saying there are many other contenders. Adam Cole then comes out and says that it’s a conspiracy, saying Jay is pretending to challenge him, saying that his championship reign means nothing if he doesn’t face him. Cole says that everyone refers to Lethal as a little bitch. Lethal says everyone knows he’s the greatest in the world and says the only way to set Cole straight is for him to beat him live on pay per view in front of the world. Lethal is screaming at Nigel, begging him. Nigel finally caves and makes it so; Jay Lethal vs Adam Cole next friday! Be sure to come back friday night as I’ll be covering it live!



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