
Richard Holliday Says Airpods Are No Longer Cool, Calls Himself MLW’s Utility-Player

Richard Holliday sets the trends, he doesn’t follow.

Richard Holliday is one of the longest-tenured MLW stars in the promotion. Even though much of that can be credited to his marketability and the charisma that he brings to the table, Richard Holliday says he is more like a utility player for the brand.

Speaking in a new interview with Sean Ross Sapp, Richard Holliday compared himself to Chris Taylor of the LA Dodgers.

“I feel like I’m the super-utility guy of MLW. I’ve done a little bit of everything and I feel I do everything at a super high level. I embrace that. I embrace the fact that I’m interchangeable in these different situations. I’m like a chameleon, just changing my skin and doing what I have to do. I’m like Chris Taylor on the Dodgers. Good anywhere, can do anything, good looking. That’s Chris Taylor. That’s me,” says Holliday. 

Recently, Holliday decided that he no longer wants to make Airpods look cool, trashing his once signature earbuds, because rocking “The Pods” to look cool is no longer cool.

“They’re in the trash. They’re just not cool anymore. If you’re rocking The Pods for purposes of trying to look different and look cool, that’s a thing of the past. I kind of control the market when it comes to that and I decided they’re not cool anymore. If you’re rocking them for functional purposes, I guess they are still a useful product, but not they’re not cool. Toasters are useful, but they’re not cool. [The airpods] are in that category now.”

To be clear, that isn’t Holliday couldn’t totally make toasters cool. Of course, he could, if only he had the time to do so.

“I can get toasters super over if I wanted to, it’s just not the right time for them right now. When I got The Pods to the fame that they reached, I was striking when the iron was hot. Is there something new in the works? I don’t know. I have to feel out. I’m in a grace period of detoxifying myself from The Pods. We’ll see. “

So, where does that leave Holliday when he actually wants to listen to music, you might ask. Holliday says he is currently experimenting with listening to music on big earphones, but sometimes, he may go to the gym and feel the clangin’ n’ bangin’ of the weights. Other times, he may just play his music out loud with no regard for others because he is “in a phase.”

“I’m experimenting right now. This is a truthful thing, sometimes, when I train, I train so intensely, as you can see by the premiere athlete that I am, I like to hear the weights, hear the gym, hear my environment and hear what I do. Sometimes, I listen to no music whatsoever, just whatever is around me. I, truthfully, do that. I’m experimenting with the overhead gimmick, the big ones. I’ve tried that. It’s quite different, not going to lie, it kept my ears kind of warm. In a cold gym, throw something like that on, serves an underappreciated purpose. I’ve also played my music out loud with zero regard for anybody. There’s a lot going on. I’m in a phase. “

Holliday is focused on the new day in MLW. This Friday, he will be in Dallas, Texas for MLW Blood & Thunder 2022 and a match against Pagano this Thursday on MLW Azteca. We will have full coverage in our results section.

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