
RF Video Pulls Trailer After Eric Bischoff Threatens Legal Action Against Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy could be in some hot water over a recent shoot interview.

Hardy appeared in a new shoot interview for the RF series "reflections." During the show, and in-character "Broken" Matt Hardy was asked about Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff's run in TNA. He didn't shy away from the subject.

"For many, many years the people at Impact Wrestling lost their identity. There was a point where they had this X Division and it was truly luxurious when they were highlighting it. But as time has gone on, they lost their way. When Brother Nero Hogan and Brother Nero Bischoff, all they did was rape, pillage and plunder TNA. They almost broke Impact Wrestling down forever. Now that I am back with my broken brilliance and I am starting to illuminate a light upon it, I think TNA needs to find out who it is. Impact Wrestling needs to learn its true identity," said Hardy.

Eric Bischoff didn't take kindly to those words, and said took to Twitter, saying "I'm not a litigious person. Far from it actually. But I'm looking forward to this one!" It's worth noting he's in litigation with TNA Wrestling itself over a partnership gone awry.

Speaking of not taking things kindly, Hardy's wife Rebecca also posted her thoughts on Twitter, and wasn't too happy with Bischoff.

Controversy creates ca– wait. Strike that. Only when it's u, right ? This whiny lil b—h@EBischoff out here threatening to sue Matt LMAO. Wait, let me guess…I'm nobody, blah blah blah YEAH I KNOW. Still a dick move. Lame AF when people spend their existence dishing it, but can't take it ?? Hop on over & sue me next, buddy.

The aforementioned video was listed as private after the online skirmish. Hardy is scheduled to face Decay alongside Brother Nero this Sunday at Bound For Glory. 

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