
RevPro High Stakes 2020 (2/14) Results: Will Ospreay Dethrones Zack Sabre Jr. For The RevPro Title!

RevPro Wrestling presented its High Stakes event on February 14, 2020, from York Hall in London, England.

The following full highlights were sent along to Fightful by Parker Holland.

RevPro High Stakes
York Hall, London

* British Women’s Championship: Giselle Shaw vs Zoey Lucas

Shaw starts with a knee to Lucas’ face as she was coming in for a takedown. Shaw goes to the top but legitimately skips going for a spinal tap like maneuver in a scary moment. 

After a moment of communication, the match cracks on. Both seem to be fine and carry on. Giselle is beaten down on the outside. Lucas brings her back in the ring but can’t put her away. 

Eventually, Lucas tries to use the championship but the referee takes it away, she goes under the ring and grabs a diffident championship, and when she tries to hit Shaw with it, Shaw counters with the armbar and gets the tap!

Your winner AND NEW champion: Giselle Shaw

* Dan Moloney vs. Jeff Cobb

Crowd split 50/50 between the Drilla and Cobb. They start with a test of strength that does not work out well for Moloney. He then tries a running shoulder tackle and Cobb plants him into the canvas. 

Moloney is able to get Cobb up for an impressive stalling suplex, afterward it spills onto the outside. 

Moloney goes for a running cannonball to Cobb as he lay in the corner of the barricades, but Cobb catches him, stands up, carries him to the ring apron, and power bombs him onto it. 

After some back and forth, Cobb deadlift suplex’s Moloney into the ring. They trade control for awhile and Cobb almost hits Tour of the Islands, but Moloney doubters and puns him clean with the package piledriver variation he uses. 

Winner: Dan Moloney

* Southside Speedking Championship: Robbie X vs. Ricky Knight Jr. 

A couple of wild and crazy guys. First time seeing both of them for me and they impressed. Robbie looks like he should be the Beer City Bruisers little cousin but moves and works more like he belongs in the best of the super juniors. RKJ has the look of a young hit prospect but works like it’s his last match and doesn’t mind if he ends up in a wheelchair. This is highlighted by a crazy spinning dive onto Robbie from the top rope onto the outside. 

They do some mat wrestling afterward to show they have all the tools and then go into some hard strike exchanges. It ends up going a bit long, but RKJ wins in the end with an emerald fusion type move. 

Winner and still champion: Ricky Knight Jr. 

* Eddie Kingston vs LA Park

Craziness form the outset as Kingston attacks Park as he was standing on the char for his entrance. The plunder comes into play quickly as the chairs and tables come out. A table is set up in the corner. Eddie takes off Park’s large belts and begins whipping him with it, then forces the referee to do the same. 

La Park counters and the ref resides to count all the way to three. He then quick counts for Kingston.  Park is able to turn the tide and chairs the ref for revenge. As Kingston is about to win it “Mad” Kurt Chapman comes out and gives him a low blow, which Park uses to put Kingston through the table with a running pounce. 

Winner: LA Park

– Post-match Kurt is living his best life and dancing in the most annoying fashion with LA Park


* 6-Man Scramble: Chris Brookes vs. Carlos Romo vs. Hikuleo vs. Kyle Fletcher vs. Mad Kurt Chapman vs. Mark Haskins​​​​​​​

A lot of craziness and great work from everyone involved. Mad Kurt goes crazy on everyone at one point, only to be taken out by a team effort. Kingston comes out to run Kurt off. Haskins gets the win after multiple interference spots from Vicki Haskins, and Gideon Grey hitting Fletcher with his cane. 

Winner: Mark Haskins​​​​​​​

– Gideon Grey takes the mic to introduce the next match.

* British Tag Team Championship: Great-O-Kharn and Rampage Brown w/ Sha Samuels vs Chief Deputy Dunne and David Starr

After interference from Sha Samuels, Mark Haskins, and Gideon Grey, Great-O-Kharn pins David Starr with an iron claw slam. 

Winner: The Legion, Rampage Brown and The Great-O-Kharn​​​​​​​

* British Cruiserweight Championship: Michael Oku vs El Phantasmo

Phantasmo attacks Oku during the introductions with the title. He hit Oku with a Go To Sleep and a spinning torture rack slam but still couldn’t get 3. Phantasmo then tosses him over the guardrail and demands the ref count him out. 

Ou gets back into the ring and almost wins with a flash roll up. Oku goes for his frog splash, sees ELP has his feet up, and counters it into the half crab, before ELP makes it to the ropes. 

From here is is ELP in charge for most of the match, acting like a pompous ass and demeaning Oku at every chance. 

ELP pulls tries to pull out the Bullet Club best of hits, hitting a second rope styles clash, a v trigger, and going for a one-winged angel, which Oku counters into the half crab. ELP fakes an injury, shoves the ref out of the ring, and tries to hit Oku with the belt, but Oku counters, picks up the belt, drops it instead of using it. He is still unable to get the pin since the ref is out on the outside, and can’t make it in time. Oku hits a superkick and locks in the half crab even after ELP goes for up kicks to block it. 

Finally ELP taps. 

Winner AND NEW British Cruiserweight Champion: Michael Oku

* British Heavyweight Championship: Will Ospreay vs Zach Sabre Jr. 

Not as good as their last outing, but still a great match with Will finally getting his win. They go back and forth the entire match with some counter sequences lasting 40 seconds to a minute. Almost non-stop the entire time. Worth your time and a great end to the card and show. 

Winner AND NEW British Heavyweight Champion: Will Ospreay

RevPro seems to have corrected some of the sins from 2019 where they had non-finishes and constant running during their big shows. There was still a lot of interference on the undercard, but in both the co-mains they let them play out to be the great matches they should be.

Fightful has results from every corner of the globe in our results section. 

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