
RETRO REVIEW RATINGS: WWE Raw, Viewer’s Choice June 7, 2010

Note: This review was requested by Champion level member of Fightful Select, Alex Andrason. See Select tiers for information how you can request reviewed content.

Opening Segment.

  • I completely forgot Bret Hart was a GM. He and Teddy Long come out to deal with Randy Orton.
  • Orton is out in a sling and wants a match with Edge. Edge is quick to oblige.
  • Teddy Long says he has an idea. The crowd will decide between a debate, a situp contest, or one on one with Edge’s arm tied behind his back. The latter wins.
  • These promos are so scripted and corny.

Big Show defeated Chris Jericho
Body Slam Challenge

  • Over the top rope challenge, submission match, body slam match.
  • A body slam match is selected. Unsurprisingly, Chris Jericho can’t body slam Big Show.
  • Jericho tries to cross body Big Show and gets slammed. 
  • This was lame.


WWE Unified Tag Team Championships
The Hart Dynasty (c) (w/ Natalya) defeated Hornswoggle & The Great Khali

  • Uso Brothers, The Dudebusters, and Great Khali & Hornswoggle are the options. They each cut promos, and Khali gets the biggest pop.
  • The Hart Dynasty shouldn’t have been split. What a dumb, inept move. Ultimately, Natalya would have the best career of all three. 
  • Hornswoggle and Khali win the vote.
  • My god, Khali was trash in the ring. Hornswoggle misses a Tadpole splash and gets pinned. I do not miss this era of wrestling whatsoever.
  • The Usos and Tamina hit the ring and attack, but the Harts clear the ring.

The A-Team

  • Jerry Lawler gets up and leaves the announce table.
  • Bradley Cooper is out to put over the show and The A-Team about 20 percent though the program.
  • Lawler is shown looking for someone backstage, and is abducted by Rampage Jackson and whoever the the hell the other guy from that show was. 
  • Someone has stolen King’s crown. Fuck me.
  • Ted Dibiase was a terrible promo, but he complains about Viewer’s Choice to Virgil. The A-Team interrogates him.
  • I.R.S. comes out with the crown and says Lawler never paid back taxes on the crown. 
  • This A-Team shit is terrible. 
  • Sharlto Copley wakes up and sees Gene Okerlund to a huge pop. Okerlund gives him a pep talk and calls Josh Mathews a loser. That was kind of funny.
  • Virgil, Dibiase and IRS kidnap “BA Baracus” who was played by Mr. T back in the day and took him to the ring. They present him to a returning Roddy Piper, which was funny and made a lot of sense. 
  • The cavalry make the save, and Rampage hilariously breaks out of the handcuffs. He hits a nice spinebuster on Dibiase and an ugly spinebuster on Virgil.
  • I remember realizing how much smaller Rampage was than most wrestlers. 

Dance Off

  • Kozlov vs. Santino in a match, arm wrestling competition, or a dance off.
  • The dance off wins. Ah boy.
  • Kozlov does the robot and moonwalks. He’s the better dancer. This is the most over thing of the show so far. 
  • Kozlov wins.

Divas Battle Royal
Maryse Wins

  • 6-on-6, Battle Royal, Champion vs. Champion are the choices. 
  • Man, this was a dark time, Kelly Kelly is wrestling. Fortunately she’s eliminated pretty quickly.
  • LayCool being eliminated is kind of hilarious.
  • Maryse, Jillian and Eve Torres are left, with Eve serving as the fiery babyface. It doesn’t work. She and Jillian get eliminated.
  • Maryse da gawd ends up winning. Good. I like Maryse.

Kane defeated Sheamus via countout

  • Kane, Mark Henry and Evan Bourne are the options. Kane encounters Sheamus backstage, in a clear effort to manipulate the vote. It works.
  • Sheamus hitting a powerslam on Kane is very impressive, even though he has to pull him off the top rope to do it. 
  • Kane plays the hits, and Sheamus reverses a chokeslam with a reverse DDT style backbreaker.
  • Sheamus gets chokeslammed, but rolls out of the ring. He takes the countout. Man, this show is full of lame booking. 
  • That weak finish dragged this below par.

Backstage Crappenings

  • Wade Barrett cuts a promo and says in one week something will be accomplished that has never been accomplished.
  • Bret Hart is telling Edge he’s gotta deal with his own shit backstage. Kane approaches Bret and accuses him of attacking Undertaker on Smackdown out of jealousy. 


Miz & Zack Ryder defeated John Morrison & R-Truth

  • Wow, UNITED STATES CHAMPION R-Truth. Forgot about him. 
  • Choices for partners are Christian, MVP, and John Morrison. The latter win in a landslide.
  • Miz comes out and says based on the selections from the fans, he doesn’t care who they pick. He references the WWE Universe. Yuck.
  • WWE wasn’t used to three hour episodes of Raw and were clearly killing time. 
  • Zack Ryder gets the pick over Dolph Ziggler and William Regal.
  • The in-ring work was so basic in 2010. Kick, kick, clothesline with an occasional dropkick or knee. 
  • Morrison hits a Disaster Kick, but eats a Skull Crushing Finale for the pin.

One-Armed match
Randy Orton defeated Edge via DQ

  • The work here for a one-armed match is surprisingly solid. Not a line I thought I’d mention.
  • Clothesline and Garvin stomp from Orton, shoulder block from Edge. 
  • Edge rips his sling off and attacks. Orton briefly comes back but gets attacked by a chair.
  • Commentary gets really somber about this. Disturbingly so.

Matt Hardy defeated Drew McIntyre

  • Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust and a “mystery opponent” who is clearly Matt Hardy are the options. It’s Matt Hardy. 
  • McIntyre says the match isn’t happening because Matt Hardy is suspended. Teddy Long says he’s suspended from Smackdown, not Raw. 
  • Hardy clotheslines Drew over the top rope. Twist of Fate, win.
  • Kind of cool to see both of these guys were big signings for WWE during WrestleMania week 2017.
  • None of these matches are long enough to rate. 

John Cena vs. CM Punk (w/ Straight Edge Society)
Angle Rating: 10/10

  • Man, I miss CM Punk. He’s there with the SES and in a mask. He gets the vote over Jack Swagger and Rey Mysterio. None of these guys are still in WWE, Cena is part time, and every member of Nexus has left at some point. Even Serena and Gallows have left and returned. 
  • There’s some outstanding chain wrestling, and then Cena tries to pull off Punk’s mask. 
  • Good back and forth until Wade Barrett comes out.
  • We see Michael Tarver’s haunting look at ringside. The Nexus is here. They jump SES and hit a ref.
  • These guys do a number on John Cena. They tear everything up at ringside. It’s messy and violent and sloppy. It’s perfect.
  • The shot of Justin Roberts being choked with his tie has been changed to a wide shot. 
  • There were 13 people involved in the main event segment of Raw on June 7 2010, where the Nexus debuted, including Mysterio and Swagger as possibilities to be in the match. Heath Slater is the only one who has never left WWE and is still wrestling on a weekly basis. Cena and Otunga are still there, but part time. 
  • This is one of the great angles in wrestling history, which was eventually fumbled. 

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