
Randy Orton On How His Second Royal Rumble Win Affects His Legacy

Randy Orton says he's a changed man since his first Royal Rumble win. 

Orton was interviewed by ESPN shortly after winning his second Rumble, and talked about how it feels to be one of the elder statesmen now.

“A lot has changed since 2009 for me. I have a very big, very beautiful family. My wife, three stepsons, my daughter Alanna, who is eight now, and of course, my two-month-old baby that we just had. So a lot has changed in that regard. I’m more grounded, and I think a lot more centered. I think I’m a better person because of my family.”

Orton was asked if he was hoping for a win on Sunday. “Very little is up to me and hope isn’t worth anything, as far as I’m concerned. Whether I’m given a match with X, Y or Z, or winning the Rumble or out first, it doesn’t matter. You are going to give your all. I think our locker room, everyone gives it their all. We are all working together to put on the best show you can. When you start hoping too much, you start believing your own hype, and the next thing you know, you can’t do that here or you’ll get buried and get kicked out of the door. You can’t change in the locker room if you are one of those guys. The attitude has to be on point here.”

Orton, reflecting on his career, said that being a two time Rumble winner is all part of the greater portrait of the guy who started in WWE back in 2002. “I have heard the fun facts about my career, but when it comes down to it, I want to be in one piece when I get home, cash that paycheck and come back and put on the best match. I have been blessed. I’m a third-generation (wrestler). I said, ‘Hey Dad, give Vince (McMahon) a call. I want to give this a shot.’ Yet guys like this [pointing to AJ Styles, who was standing next to him] were busting their ass for years. But all those little facts and accomplishments, they are cool. All of that is important to the fans because it should be. But once it’s important to me, I become one of those big-head egos. It’s a family back here.”

You can read the full interview by clicking here.

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