
PROGRESS Chapter 127 Results (1/23): Fans Return To PROGRESS

PROGRESS Wrestling held its Chapter 127: And The Word Was PROGRESS… event on January 23 from the Electric Ballroom in London, England. The event will be available on Demand PROGRESS and Peacock/WWE Network from February 6. 

Parker Holland sent in the following report on the show:

This is the first PROGRESS show back with fans in 700 days, and also the first show under new ownership. Looks to be a sellout with around 1,100 fans according to the ticketing website they used, Dice.fm. 

New MC Simon Miller welcomes everyone to the show, intros the commentary team, and doesn’t waste anytime throwing it TK the first match. 

Gene Munny vs. (Full Metal) Kid Lykos w/ Kid Lykos II
Gene Munny makes his entrance dressed as an astronaut, helmet and all. A good comedy match that maybe went a bit long with the near fall kick outs at the end. 
Winner: Gene Munny wins with an arm trap ddt. 

After the match Gene grabs the mic and cuts a fiery promo about quantum physics, string theory, and how in another universe be made it to Super Strong Style 16 two years ago. But he will actually be in it this year and no one will stand in his way. 

Dean Allmark vs. Tate Mayfairs
Due to a medical issue, Axel Tischer was pulled from the show last minute. We were given Tate Mayfairs as the replacement for Dean Allmark. A fairly one sided affair for Dean, with just a few moments of Mayfair in control.
Winner: Dean Allmark with a Styles clash piledriver 

Session Moth Martina vs. Taonga
A good comedy match with Martina playing her normal half drunken/hungover self, and Taonga doing a really good job of being the annoyed heel. 
Winner: Martina with a springboard code breaker from the corner. 

Announcement: Shane Strickland announced for chapter 129 at the Ballroom on February 20th

Hari Singh vs. Anthony Ogogo
Ogogo was unannounced and as he is making his own intro on the mic attacks Singh with the Union Jack flag. Ogogo massacres poor Singh. Tosses him around outside the ring and inside, hits an Olympic slam, then pulls Singh up to punish him more. Finally hits the Tower of London from the corner for the finish. 
Winner: Anthony Ogogo with the Tower of London. 

After the match Ogogo helps up Singh, raises his hand, then hits him with a pop up punch. 

Progress Tag Team Titles
Champions Smokin’ Aces (Nick Riley and Charlie Sterling) vs. Sunshine Machine (Chuck Mambo and TK Cooper)

Best match of the night by far. A solid 4.25/5. Both teams working at a nonstop pace and alternating between a brawl and some highly athletic spots. At one point Charlie Sterling went for a moonsault from the middle rope to the outside onto Mambo and hit a fan with his foot. The end comes when Smokin Aces hit a combo foreman carry into a cutter on Mambo for the win. 
Winners and still champions: Smokin’ Aces

Aces and Sunshine machine embrace after the match and the crowd gives it up for the Aces. After sunshine machine leave though, Lykos gym attack Smokin’ Aces from behind and throw powder in their eyes. Lykos says they lost illegally for the titles, and if the Aces want the belts back they can come get them in Manchester. 

Announcement: March 25 at the garage in London it will be the Progress 10th anniversary show. 


Charli Evans vs. Lana Austin
A perfectly cromulent match that the crowd could just not bring itself it get into. 
Winner: Charli Evans with a short arm clothesline after a back suplex

No. 1 Contenders Match
Warren Banks, Malik, Jody Fleisch, Dan Moloney, Man Like Dereiss, and Roy Johnson

A WWE style multi man where there were only ever 2 men in the ring at a time and the other four had to hang out on the outside. The last 3-4 minutes had some nice action with everyone in the ring at once. Dan Moloney, Dereiss, and Warren Banks were all really over with the crowd. 
Banks ends up winning by pinning Dereiss with a torture rack into a face first slam. 
Winner and No. 1 contender to the Progress World Title: Warren Banks

After the match Banks gets on the mic and says he challenges whoever the champion will be on March 25th at the anniversary show. 

Revelations of Divine Love Final: Winner gets a Progress Women’s Title shot
Rhio vs. Mercedez Blaze w/ Taonga

The match wasn’t bad, but just had little to no heat. Having the end of a tournament that was shown in the WWE network with shows in front of no fans, that no one really watched, seems to have done a disservice to what could have been a good story. There was some miscommunication with Taonga and Blaze after Taonga distracted the referee for too long and he missed counting a pin for Blaze. Rhio wins with a spinning fisherman neck breaker. 
Winner and No. 1 contender to the Progress Women’s title: Rhio 

After the match Rhio let’s Progress Women’s Champion Giselle Shaw know she is challenging February 5th in Manchester. 

Progress World Title first to 3 Falls
Chris Ridgeway vs. Champion Cara Noir

Cara Noir wins the 1st fall while Ridgeway was trying to submit him with an omoplota, and Cara rolled back to pin him. Ridgeway got the 2nd fall after a headlock takeover exchange and booking the leg to tie it up 1-1. Ridgeway wins the 3rd fall with a running PK followed by a head kick. Ridgeway is up 2-1. 
After a period where Ridgeway brutally works Cara’s knee and foot, Cara gets the 4th fall with a flying rear naked choke. They are tied 2-2 and the next fall wins. Cara noir wins with a package piledriver for the final fall. Even as a fan of the grapple heavy style the first 3/4s of this was just boring. The crowd got into it for the final fall, but there were so many near fall kickouts it almost descended into self parody. 
Winner and still champion: Cara Noir

You can find results from past PROGRESS events at Fightful’s results section

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