
Post-NXT & Lucha Underground: McIntyre’s Mission Statement, Roddy vs Roode, Cole & Co. Attack, LU GIFs, More

Here is your Post-NXT and 205 Live Fight-size Update!

– Above, you can see Drew McIntyre's speech to a Full Sail, which was interrupted by Roderick Strong.                                    

Then we got to see Roddy take on Boobby Rude in the main event.  

And after that, Drew got jumped by Cole and Co., and Sanity got destroyed by Fish and O'Reilly (allegedly)

And Roddy turned his attention to trying to get the NXT title.

Also on NXT:

Peyton beat Ruby … 

… thanks to a Billie big boot.


Also: Heavy Machinery literally squashed some poor fools:

– Next week on NXT:


– Last night, on Lucha Underground:


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