
PJ Black Says He Hasn’t Slowed His Lifestyle After Injury

PJ Black, formerly known as Justin Gabriel was interviewed by Wrestling Epicenter’s Interactive Wrestling Radio recently. You can see highlights below and the full interview at this link.

His recovery from his horrific accident last year: 
“Oh, bro. It has literally been the hardest year of my life. I was out the whole year. Six months in the hospital… I had to re-learn how to walk. It was literally the toughest year of my life. But, this year has been the msot rewarding year of my life! I’m back to 100%! I don’t think I’ll ever be back to a full range of motion in my leg but that hasn’t stopped me from doing anything. But, right now, I’m great! I’m super happy to be alive. I’m super happy to be working! I’m super happy for the new season of Lucha Underground to be airing!”

Getting the call that Season 4 was happening: 
“Dude, it was amazing. Especially because I was like 80 to 90% at the time. I twas like, “Yes! Perfect timing!” But, it also made me work even harder in the gym and in the ring physically, mentally, and emotionally in a way to get me to where I am now. It kind of was a blessing in disguise. It knocked me out for a year, it sucks to get injured. But, I read a lot of books. I studied a lot of guys that I grew up watching. Like I said, it was a blessing in disguise. Everything does happen for a reason! If that didn’t happen to me, I wouldn’t be the person that I am right now.”

If he’s taken any “Darewolf” risks since the injury: 
“Of course. I went skydiving a couple of months ago. I haven’t done anything really that crazy like I used to. I’m more calculated. But, I’m definitely 100% back to my old self!”

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