
Omos Recalls Being Recognized By The Vice President Of Nigeria After Competing At Crown Jewel 2022

Omos discusses the popularity of WWE in Nigeria.

For decades, WWE has been the most popular wrestling promotion in the entire world. Although the biggest fanbase for WWE is arguably in the United States, there are many countries around the world that host plenty of WWE fans, or wrestling fans in general.

According to Omos, WWE is a very popular sport in Nigeria. In a new interview with Chris Van Vliet, ‘The Nigerian Giant’ recalled returning to his home country in 2022 and being recognized by the Vice President of the country.

“To be honest, I didn’t think it was [that popular] until I went back home last year and I truly just understand the magnitude of fans we have. Not just in Nigeria, but all over Africa as a whole and how people keep watching. You know, going back home actually for the first time in 14 years and just having regular day workers seeing me on the streets saying Omos! Omos! And I’m kind of shocked because I wasn’t expecting that type of reception. But, like it went down to meeting, you know, the current vice president of Nigeria and like his kids are watching the pay-per-view, you know right after we did Saudi last year Braun and I. You know go back going back home and the President’s like we saw you what are you doing here? I’m like I came to visit my family. He knows WWE, he goes we just saw you a couple days ago in Saudi Arabia I’m just like wow, like this is like I did not know it is extremely popular back home. They have this [show], it’s called Jumbo on the cable network. They get 24/7 programming for WWE; they can watch WWE 24/7 every day.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Omos talked about the things that AJ Styles taught him. Click here to learn more.

Omos is set to take on Seth Rollins at the upcoming WWE Backlash pay-per-view. Fans can learn more about the card for Backlash by clicking here.

Special thanks to Chris Van Vliet & Alex Hunt for the quote(s).

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