
NXT St. Paul, MN Live Event Results (4/28/19): Adam Cole vs. Velveteen Dream

The final night of this weekend’s NXT road trip.

NXT wrapped up their road trip this weekend in St. Paul, Minnesota and Twitter user @RobWilkins sent in the following notes and results from the St. Paul live event:

1.) Forgotten Sons (Steve Cutler & Wesley Blake vs. Street Profits [Match Time 6:32] Forgotten Sons win by pin fall.

2.) Shane Thorne vs. Punishment Martinez [Match Time 7:28] Punishment Martinez by pin fall 

3.) Riddick Moss vs. Eric Bugenhagen (Moss cuts a great heel promo, Moss is from Edina, Minnesota and talks about how MN Vikings suck and his own brother is here and is a coach for the Vikings and will tell him to his face Aaron Rodgers and Green Bay will beat the Vikings. [Match Time 6:48] Bugenhagen by pin.

4.) Before Match #4 Paul Ellering cuts promo on screen talking about how proud he is of his daughter. Who was born in St. Paul Rachel Evers.
Match 4 – Rachel Evers & Io Shirai vs. Vanessa Borne & Aiyah [Match Time 8:25] Evers & Shirai by pin fall. After Match Rachel cuts promo about being back at home. She hugs family, friends, and even Paul Ellering comes out to give her a hug.

5.) Match 5 – Denzel Dejournette vs. Jaxson Ryker w/Cutler & Blake [Match Time 5:32] Ryker by pin fall. After the match, Forgotten Sons attack Dejournette. Street Profits come out for the save and then Eric Bugenhagen comes out and clears the ring.


6.) Kona Reeves vs Tyler Breeze (Huge Pop for Tyler Breeze) Crowd starts “Tyler’s Gorgeous” chants. Reeves plays his part perfectly. Getting crowd to cheer for Breeze and jeer for him. Fun back and forth match. 

7.) Mia Yim vs. Shayna Baszler (Shayna gets mix pop, her family is here amongst other friends/fans Sioux Falls is not that far from the Twin Cities) Shayna has upper hand 75 to 80% of the match. Shayna by Submission w/Kirifuda Crutch[Match Time 9:39]

8.) Match 8 Adam Cole vs. Velveteen Dream (Cole comes out first to great pop like normal, Velveteen comes out and is wearing an Adam Cole shirt. Which got good laughs and cheers. Crowd chants Velveteen and then crowd starts chanting Adam Cole. Cole yells he doesn’t need any support. Crowd chants “We Support You” which makes Velveteen laugh. Match officially starts, maybe one of the best matches I’ve seen at a House Show. Velveteen by pin fall [Match Time 15:38]

Fun Show, overall. 

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