
NXT Results For 7/21 NXT Great American Bash Cole vs. O’Reilly, NXT Women’s Tag-Team Championship

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– The show begins with a video package, and past audio of WWE Hall-of-Famer Dusty Rhodes was used to narrate The Great American Bash promo.

NXT Tag-Team Championship
Tomaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher vs. MSK (Nash Carter and Wes Lee) (C)

Before the bell rings, NXT announcer Alicia Taylor introduces the competitors. Tomasso Ciampa and Nash Carter begin the match; Ciampa takes down Carter with a heavy chop. Carter comes back with a corkscrew and takes down Ciampa. Ciampa tags in Timothy Thatcher; Thatcher has Carter in a headlock; however, Wes Lee reaches out and tags Carter. Both teams are in the ring and get some stiff shots in on each other.

Thatcher and Ciampa are double-teaming on Lee and having no issues, and in total control. Now, MSK is in control after a few reversals and some big kicks to the face of Ciampa. Wes Lee has Ciampa on the outside and goes for a moonsault; however, Thatcher pushes Ciampa out of the way and takes the brunt of the aerial assault. Ciampa comes back and hits Lee with a big clothesline. They then head out to their first commercial break.

They come back from a break, and Wes Lee gets the hot tag from Carter; Carter gets distracted by Thatcher, and it costs him as Ciampa hits him with a big knee to the back of Lee’s head. Lee makes it to Carter for the tag, and MSK both double-team Thatcher. Carter gets some heavy shots in on Thatcher; Thatcher slows it down by hitting Carter with a big belly-to-belly suplex. Thatcher and Ciampa are exchanging multiple tags and double-team Carter; Carter comes back with some heavy chops. Thatcher gets in the ring and is going for the European Uppercut but misses and hits Ciampa. Ciampa hits a big slam on Lee; he goes for the pin, but Lee kicks out.

Ciampa makes it to Thatcher for the tag, and Ciampa takes out both MSK members. Ciampa has Lee in the corner; however, Lee escapes him, and he gets to Carter; Carter gets a few shots in on Ciampa. Lee goes for the Aerial Assault and only a two-count. Ciampa and Thatcher go for and hit a double-team move; Thatcher goes to end it with a submission hold. Carter gets in the ring and pushes Ciampa into Thatcher; this allows Lee to pin Thatcher with the inside cradle.

Winners and still NXT Tag-Team Champions MSK (Nash Carter and Wes Lee)

– We get the battery vignette showing it is at 91% in the charging process.

– We see Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly arriving at the CWC.

– They go back to the ring with William Regal and Samoa Joe in the ring, and Regal tells Karrion Kross and Johnny Gargano to come out to the ring to try and calm everything down between them. Regal says that we will see Gargano vs. Kross on next week’s episode of NXT. Kross says his goals never change; he wakes up being the NXT championship, main event Wrestlemania, and be the WWE World Champion one day. But, Kross says, “what do you do other than put on your wife’s jeans. Regal announces that Samoa Joe will be the Special Guest Referee. Gargano tells Kross that he couldn’t lace up his wife’s boots.

– We get a video from Kushida telling Diamond Mine that he will be going for them.

Million Dollar Championship Belt
Cameron Grimes vs. L.A. Knight (C)

The bell rings, and Cameron Grimes goes right at L.A. Knight and takes him out of the ring and follows it up with a boot to the face. Knight gets back into the ring, and Grimes hits him with a cross-body dive. Knight eventually takes control after hitting Grimes with a heavy elbow. Knight then uses the ropes on Grimes to knock him back. Grimes hits Knight with a heavy right and follows that up with a moonsault press.

Grimes now has Knight in a headlock; Knight sends Grimes into the turnbuckle and then immediately hits Grimes with a power slam. After that, they go to their first picture-in-picture commercial with Knight in control. Knight still in control after hitting Grimes with a knee to the midsection. Knight stands above Grimes and clubs him with a big right. Grimes, now making a comeback, the two run the ropes, and they hit each other so hard it looked as if both men hit each other with a power slam.

Grimes is getting upset, and he hits Knight with multiple shoulder tackles. Grimes hits Knight with a big swinging slam. Knight hits Grimes with a torture rack into a slam combination move. Knight hits a huge suplex from the top rope; Knight goes for the pin, but Grimes kicks out at the last second.

Knight grabs his title and goes to hit Grimes with it, but the referee stops him; Grimes goes for the rollup, but Knight reverses it into a pin as well, but Grimes kicks out. Grimes hits Knight with the poisonrana; the action goes to the outside, and Knight DDT’s Grimes onto the Million Dollar Championship Belt. Grimes gets back into the ring but is hit with the BFT and gets the win.

Winner: L.A. Knight

– We get a promo with Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez, and Kai says that she would have left NXT Takeover as a champion if it wasn’t for Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart.

– They introduce Trey Baxter, Carmelo Hayes, Andre Chase, Josh Briggs, Ikemen Jiro, Joe Gacy, Odyssey Jones, and Duke Hudson as the NXT Breakout Tournament. Duke Hudson vs. Ikemen Jiro will begin the tournament on next week’s NXT episode.

NXT Women’s Tag-Team Championship
Io Shirai and Zoey Stark vs. The Way (Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell)

The match begins with Io Shirai and Indi Hartwell; Io has no issue getting a flurry offense in Hartwell. Io hits a big dropkick on Hartwell; Hartwell tags in LeRae and LeRae gets a few strikes in on Io; however, it does not last long, and LeRae tags back out. Shirai tags in Zoey Stark and Stark keeps things in control, and we go on a commercial break with Stark and Shirai’s team in control.

They come back from a commercial break with Hartwell in control; Stark gets away from Hartwell after a big superkick. Io Shirai and Candice LeRae are tagged in, and Shirai takes out LeRae with a missile dropkick. Stark and Shirai hit a Superkick and neckbreaker combo. Stark goes for the pin; however, LeRae kicks out. Shirai goes for the moonsault but misses, and LeRae has Shirai in a submission lock; Shirai counters it into a pin attempt, Hartwell makes the save. Shirai goes for the inside cradle, but LeRae kicks out and then superkicks LeRae. The lights go out, and the battery promo we have seen for weeks, and it’s Tegan Knox! This allows the distraction, and Zoey Stark hits her finisher tilt-a-whirl, and GTS combination moves to get the pin and the win. We have new tag-team champions; Nox then chases LeRae out.

Winners and New NXT Women’s Tag-Team Champions Io Shirai and Zoey Stark

– We get a camera shot of Kyle O’Reilly preparing for his match against Adam Cole.

Toni Storm wonders why Raquel Gonzalez does not keep her focus on her instead of others; she says I am a big deal and that she has no interest in facing Sarray.

– They show a video from the commercial break, and Dexter Lumis comes out and picks up and carries Indi Hartwell out in his arms.

– Hit Row comes out and raps for about four or five minutes.

Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly II
Adam Cole vs. Kyle O’Reilly

Kyle O’Reilly is out first and makes his way down to the ring. Adam Cole is out second, and both men start with a lock-up. The two go right to the ropes, and the ref has to break it up; Cole takes O’Reilly down by sweeping the back of the leg. They hit the ropes again, and it is broken up; O’Reilly goes for a roundhouse kick; Cole avoids it and rolls to the outside of the ring as they go to a commercial break.

Cole goes for a pin attempt; however, O’Reilly counters it into an arm lock. Cole makes it to the ropes, and O’Reilly has to drop the hold. O’Reilly immediately jumps onto Cole and then backs away. O’Reilly hits Cole with a massive kick; Cole goes to the outside. Coles avoids an aerial kick from O’Reilly and hits O’Reilly with a swinging neckbreaker. Cole gets O’Reilly back into the ring and hits O’Reilly with another neckbreaker. Cole sends O’Reilly into the corner, and O’Reilly hits the turnbuckle hard sternum first.

Cole continues to control the match; Cole lifts O’Reilly, and O’Reilly gets out of the grips of Cole and immediately hits Cole with a four-kick combo. O’Reilly goes for the enzuigiri but misses, and Cole takes him down. Cole goes for the pin attempt, and O’Reilly kicks out at two. Cole insults O’Reilly’s wife again, and O’Reilly comes at O’Reilly with a flurry of heavy strikes. Cole escapes and gets out of it and takes the leg out of O’Reilly. Cole then slams O’Reilly’s left leg into the corner turnbuckle multiple times. They head out to their last picture-in-picture commercial break with Cole in control.

We are back from the commercial break, and Kyle is starting to mount a comeback; O’Reilly sends Cole into the ropes, and both men come back and hit each other with a double clothesline. O’Reilly and Cole both exchange multiple punches. O’Reilly gets stuck in the ropes, and the referee makes Cole release the hold. Cole comes back; however, O’Reilly is ready for him and uses the ropes and hits Cole with a Dragon Screw.

Cole is back up and hits O’Reilly with a big dropkick, and then he takes him down from the back of the legs. Cole goes for the Panama Sunrise; however, O’Reilly avoids it and goes for another kick on Cole; however, Cole counters and takes Cole down with another quick kick. O’Reilly has Cole in an armbar, Cole gets out, and O’Reilly counters it into a rollup pin. Cole gets out of it and puts O’Reilly in the figure-four submission. O’Reilly counters and has Cole in a leg lock submission hold.

Cole makes it to the ropes, and now both men are on the ropes; Cole gets hits with a big forearm. Cole goes to the outside and hits O’Reilly with the Panama Sunrise. Cole gets O’Reilly back into the ring for the pin; however, O’Reilly gets his leg on the ropes. Cole lowers the kneepad and goes to the finisher. O’Reilly hits Cole with a big clothesline and goes for a flying knee; however, he misses.

Cole then comes back with the Lost Shot and goes to finish the match and goes for the pin, but O’Reilly kicks out at two. Cole goes for another Panama Sunrise and hits it and then hits the Last Shot, and that gets Adam Cole the one, two, and three. Adam Cole gets the pin and the win.

Winner: Adam Cole

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